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详情页 投诉

Ripple Edit为After Effects带来了一套编辑工具,感觉跟PR的剪辑工具集一模一样,非常方便,非常好用。

Ripple Edit无论是需要删除图层,还是不想手动重新定位图层,或者需要修剪或扩展图层而不想花时间在合成上移动图层,那么Ripple Edit可以帮助我们解决这么问题。

支持 After Effects CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014 更新日志: 1.1.2  (Current version)  –  Feb 25, 2019

+ Ripple Edit will now ignore locked layers
+ Ripple Edit will now ignore hidden layers (shy)
+ Actions now have more feedback in the info panel
+ Orientation is remembered in between AE instances
○ Removed “Ctrl/Cmd + double clicking” to open the help menu ○ General grammatical and spelling fixes
Thanks to Lars Jandel for assistance in debugging this version

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