001 Welcome
002 What we are going to learn
003 What you should know before watching this course
004 Texture axis and texture coordinates
005 What is a UV map
006 How do we create UV maps
007 How do we edit UV maps
008 The UV coordinate system
009 What are UV islands
010 UV selection troubleshooting tips
011 Let`s just paint!
012 Using the Paint Setup Wizard
013 Creating "paintable" materials
014 Working with layered files inside BodyPaint
015 Using brush presets to paint
016 Working with texture brushes
017 Understanding multichannel painting and how to use it
018 Understanding projection painting and how to use it
019 Managing your textures
020 BodyPaint Material Manager
021 Using the Texture Viewer
022 Using the RayBrush
023 Setting up the preferences
024 Move, Scale, and Rotate attributes for UV components
025 UV polygon selections
026 The selection island shortcut
027 The UV unwrapping process
028 Unwrapping a cube
029 Unwrapping a rounded cube
030 Unwrapping a sphere
031 The UV commands
032 Move Up-Down Sequence
033 The Transform tab
034 Optimal mapping
035 Patching seams
036 Using the Peeler to unwrap UVs
037 Traditional banana peel
040 Preparing the dinosaur model for unwrapping
041 Making proper cuts on the T-rex model
042 Unwrapping the dinosaur body
043 Unwrapping the dinosaur limbs
044 Unwrapping the dinosaur hands or claws
045 Unwrapping the mouth, nose, and eyes
046 Wrapping up the dinosaur
047 Preparing the Mookie model for unwrapping
048 Making proper cuts on the Mookie model
049 Unwrapping Mookie`s main body
050 Unwrapping Mookie`s arms and hands
051 Unwrapping Mookie`s head
052 Unwrapping Mookie`s feet
053 Unwrapping Mookie`s ears
054 How to deal with Mookie`s accessories
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