Section 1 _ 1 → Welcome
Section 1 _ 2 → How to
Section 2 _ 1 → Example
Section 2 _ 2 → Folder Structure
Section 2 _ 3 → Squash And Stretch
Section 3 _ 1 → Example
Section 3 _ 2 → Camera Technique
Section 3 _ 3 → Arcs
Section 4 _ 1 → Example
Section 4 _ 2 → Super Curve
Section 4 _ 3 → Creating Value and New Visual Experiance
Section 4 _ 4 → Bounce
Section 5 _ 1 → Example
Section 5 _ 2 → End Tag Studio Video
Section 6 _ 1 → Example
Section 6 _ 2 → End Tag Landscape
Section 7 _ 1 → Camera Movement
Section 7 _ 2 → ReTexture your 3d in AE
Section 7 _ 3 → Exponential Curves
Section 7 _ 4 → Lorax Fuzz
001 欢迎(001 Welcome)
002 如何使用练习文件(002 How to use the exercise files)
003 亮点新亮点(003 New features highlighting)
004 如何3D艺术家使用C4D(004 How 3D artists use C4D)
005 艺术家作品实例(005 Artists" work examples)
006 大图概念(006 Big picture concepts)
007 了解界面(007 Get to know the interface)
008 有用的偏好和设置(008 Useful preferences and setup)
009 项目阶段(009 Project stages)
010 插图准备(010 Illustrator preparation)
011 模型标志(011 Model the logo)
012 与Mo Graph动画(012 Animate with MoGraph)
013 动画相机(013 Animate the camera)
014 添加照明(014 Add lighting)
015 创建和应用材料(015 Create and apply materials)
016 动画高亮(016 Animate a highlight)
017 组织项目(017 Organize the project)
018 渲染项目(018 Render the project)
019 更进一步(019 Taking it further)
020 识别什么样的C4你想成为的艺术家(020 Identifying what kind of C4D artist you want to be)
021 接下来的步骤(021 Next steps)
001 欢迎(001 Welcome)
002 练习文件(002 Exercise files)
003 电影院有什么新鲜事4D_(003 What"s new in CINEMA 4D_)
004 亮点新亮点(004 New features highlighting)
005 什么是专业渲染_(005 What is ProRender_)
006 使用PRO渲染(006 Working with ProRender)
007 PBR材料与灯具(007 PBR materials and lights)
008 媒体核心是什么_(008 What is the media core_)
009 改进的视口反射(009 Improved viewport reflections)
010 在视口中与自由度一起工作(010 Working with DOF in the viewport)
011 沃罗诺伊骨折(011 Voronoi Fracture)
012 声音效应器(012 Sound effector)
013 多边形裁减对象(013 Polygon reduction object)
014 细节层次_LOD_ 对象(014 Level of detail _LOD_ object)
015 创建对象的新修改键(015 New modifer keys for creating objects)
016 噪声衰减(016 Noise falloff)
017 运动跟踪器里的新东西_(017 What"s new in the Motion Tracker_)
018 场景重建工作(018 Working with Scene Reconstruction)
019 用球面摄像机输出VR(019 Use the Spherical camera for VR output)
020 接下来的步骤(020 Next steps)
001 欢迎(001 Welcome)
002 这个课程是什么,不是什么(002 What this course is and isn"t)
003 练习文件(003 Exercise files)
004 亮点新亮点(004 New features highlighting)
005 什么是运动图形_(005 What are motion graphics_)
006 运动图形艺术家如何使用电影4D_(006 How do motion graphics artists use Cinema 4D_)
007 大图概念(007 Big picture concepts)
008 工作实例(008 Examples of work)
009 第一次开始一个场景(009 Starting a scene for the first time)
010 工作流提示(010 Workflow tips)
011 创建启动场景(011 Create a start scene)
012 花键是什么_(012 What are splines_)
013 使用参数样条基元(013 Working with parametric spline primitives)
014 创建和处理样条函数(014 Creating and manipulating splines)
015 用样条掩模构建复杂形状(015 Build complex shapes with spline masks)
016 用样条创建几何图形(016 Creating geometry with splines)
017 使用Adobe插图器文件(017 Working with Adobe Illustrator files)
018 导入和清理插图文件(018 Import and clean up Illustrator files)
019 挤出深度和细节(019 Extrude to add depth and detail)
020 时间线是什么_(020 What is the Timeline_)
021 F曲线处理(021 F-curve manipulation)
022 创建标志擦拭(022 Create a logo wipe)
023 创建相机动画(023 Create a camera animation)
024 复制和偏移关键帧(024 Copying and offsetting keyframes)
025 移动动画对象(025 Moving animated objects)
026 用声音工作(026 Working with sound)
027 什么是Mo Graph_(027 What is MoGraph_)
028 创造克隆(028 Creating clones)
029 使用效应器(029 Using Effectors)
030 带有效应物的变形物体(030 Deforming objects with Effectors)
031 其他MO图形对象(031 Other MoGraph objects)
032 带步进效应器的偏移动画(032 Offset animation with the Step effector)
033 启用对象与Mo Graph动画(033 Enabling objects to be animated with MoGraph)
034 把物体分解成碎片(034 Breaking objects into pieces)
035 灯光如何工作_(035 How do lights work_)
036 使用不同类型的阴影(036 Using different types of shadow)
037 为现实照明添加衰减(037 Adding falloff for realistic lighting)
038 场景照明(038 Scene lighting)
039 创建基本光设置(039 Creating a basic light setup)
040 什么是材料_(040 What are materials_)
041 创建和应用材料(041 Create and apply materials)
042 与选择一起工作(042 Working with selections)
043 在物体上操作材料(043 Manipulating materials on objects)
044 使用反射材料(044 Working with reflective materials)
045 创造一个凹凸不平的灰色纹理(045 Create a bumpy greeble texture)
046 添加图案着色器的细节(046 Add detail with pattern shaders)
047 动画动画素材(047 Animating animated materials)
048 运动图形流水线(048 The motion graphics pipeline)
049 合成标签(049 Compositing tags)
050 公共渲染设置(050 Common render settings)
051 设置多遍渲染器(051 Set up multipass renders)
052 设置采取(052 Set up takes)
053 创建预览渲染(053 Create previews renders)
054 什么是Cineware_(054 What is Cineware_)
055 AEC工作流(055 The AEC workflow)
056 挑战概述(056 Challenge overview)
057 解决方案(057 Solution)
058 接下来的步骤(058 Next steps)
001 欢迎(001 Welcome)
002 这个课程是什么,不是什么(002 What this course is and is not)
003 练习文件(003 Exercise files)
004 突出新特点(004 Highlighting new features)
005 VFX综述(005 Overview of VFX)
006 C是怎样的4VFX艺术家使用的D_(006 How is C4D used by VFX artists_)
007 工作实例(007 Examples of work)
008 大图概念(008 Big picture concepts)
009 什么是运动跟踪_(009 What is motion tracking_)
010 分析镜头(010 Analyze the shot)
011 建立我们的跟踪项目(011 Set up our project for tracking)
012 自动跟踪(012 Automatic tracking)
013 手动跟踪(013 Manual tracking)
014 解决3D 相机(014 Solving the 3D camera)
015 添加坐标系(015 Add a coordinate system)
016 几何解算(016 Test the solve with geometry)
017 导入和导出跟踪数据(017 Import and export the tracked data)
018 消除镜头畸变(018 Removing lens distortion)
019 解决和保存镜片轮廓(019 Solving and saving lens profiles)
020 使用完全解决命令(020 Using the Full Solve command)
021 场景重建(021 Scene reconstruction)
022 VFX建模的哲学(022 The philosophy of VFX modeling)
023 多边形裁减与卢德优化(023 Optimize with polygon reduction and LOD)
024 导入模型(024 Import a model)
025 清理模型层次(025 Clean up a model hierarchy)
026 将模型与跟踪场景结合起来(026 Incorporate a model with a tracked scene)
027 动画模型(027 Animating models)
028 操作关键帧和曲线(028 Manipulating keyframes and curves)
029 材料概论(029 Introduction to materials)
030 制造闪亮的材料(030 Create a shiny material)
031 制作折射材料(031 Create a refractive material)
032 制造凹凸不平的材料(032 Create a bumpy material)
033 涂敷材料(033 Apply materials)
034 使用纹理管理器(034 Working with the Texture Manager)
035 VFX照明概述(035 Overview of VFX lighting)
036 与C一起工作4灯光与阴影(036 Working with C4D lights and shadows)
037 天空物体照明(037 Lighting with Sky Objects)
038 与GI和AO合作(038 Working with GI and AO)
039 使用相机校准标签(039 Working with the Camera Calibration tag)
040 使用无失真工作流建模(040 Modeling using the undistorted workflow)
041 合并对象(041 Incorporate objects)
042 增加照明和环境影响(042 Add lighting and environment effects)
043 渲染设置以改善外观(043 Render settings to improve the look)
044 什么是VFX合成_(044 What is VFX compositing_)
045 设置多遍渲染器(045 Setting up multipass renders)
046 准备采取(046 Preparing takes)
047 使用令牌渲染(047 Render using tokens)
048 合成多遍渲染(048 Compositing multipass renders)
049 挑战概述(049 Challenge overview)
050 解决方案(050 Solution)
051 接下来的步骤(051 Next steps)
001 欢迎(001 Welcome)
002 看着这门课程前,你应该知道(002 What you should know before watching this course)
003 使用练习文件(003 Using the exercise files)
004 静态拍摄镜头(004 Framing a static shot)
005 动画插入位置关键帧(005 Animating a push-in with position keyframes)
006 用旋转关键帧激活平底锅(006 Animating a pan with rotation keyframes)
007 用F曲线增强摄像机移动(007 Enhancing camera moves with F-curves)
008 动画快照缩放(008 Animating a snap zoom)
009 用一个空对象创建和动画一个简单的摄像机(009 Creating and animating a simple camera rig with a null object)
010 自动瞄准你的相机(010 Automatically targeting your camera at your subject)
011 添加振动标签的细微缺陷(011 Adding subtle imperfections with the Vibrate tag)
012 平滑的相机移动到对齐花键标签(012 Smoother camera moves with the Align to Spline tag)
013 具有虚拟漫游工具的第一人称POV(013 First-person POV with the Virtual Walkthrough tool)
014 摄影起重机的扫射(014 Sweeping shots with the Camera Crane)
015 用运动摄像机标记样条设置跟踪镜头(015 Tracking shots with the Motion Camera tag Spline setting)
016 创建一个带有追逐对象设置的拖尾相机(016 Create a trailing camera with the Chase Object setting)
017 创建一个自动飞播的峡谷(017 Creating a canyon fly-through with Automatic Banking)
018 用运动相机钻机产生稳定效应(018 Creating a steadicam effect with the Motion Camera rig)
019 A到B相机随相机变形标签移动(019 A-to-B camera moves with the Camera Morph tag)
020 动态变形动画与相机变形标签(020 Kinetic type animation with the Camera Morph tag)
021 接下来的步骤(021 Next steps)
爱给网提供海量的3d游戏资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的007 了解界面(007 Get to know the interface), 本站编号36654987, 该3d游戏素材大小为25m, 时长为07分 45秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为Ka_alcorn13, 更多精彩3d游戏素材,尽在爱给网。