01 - 介绍(01 - Introduction)
02 - 创建& 为人】制作动画@(02 - Creating & Animating the Character)
03 - 将电影导入电影院4D(03 - Importing the Character into Cinema 4D)
04 - 优化动画和循环(04 - Refining the Animation and Loop)
05 - 摄像机动画(05 - Camera Animation)
06 - 建立电影的支柱4D(06 - Building The Pillars in Cinema 4D)
07 - 设置支柱显示效果的动画(07 - Animating the Pillars Reveal Effect)
08 - 奖金1 支柱显示效果_旧版电影4D_(08 - Bonus 1 Pillars Reveal Effect _Older Versions of Cinema 4D_)
09 - 建造银河系& 侧面细节(09 - Building the Galaxy & Side Details)
10 - 奖金2 景观对象_旧版电影4D_(10 - Bonus 2 Landscape Object _Older Version of Cinema 4D_)
11 - 照明部分1 初始设置(11 - Lighting Part 1 Initial Setup)
12 - 照明部分2 雾& 大气效应(12 - Lighting Part 2 Fog & Atmosphere Effect)
13 - 照明部分3 材料& 改进(13 - Lighting Part 3 Materials & Refinements)
14 - 电影院中的高级输出渲染设置4D(14 - Advanced Output Render Settings in Cinema 4D)
15 - 将渲染导入到After Effects(15 - Importing Renders into After Effects)
16 - 在“后效”中合成(16 - Compositing In After Effects)
17 - Youtube的最终输出& 一款图片分享应用(17 - Final Output for Youtube & Instagram)
18 - 奥特罗(18 - Outro)
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