Digital Tutors - Animating with the Forces of Nature in After Effects

01. Introduction and project overview

02. Getting started with our Illustrator project files

03. Magnetism Setting up and placing the letters in the comp

04. Magnetism Controlling the first letter"s rotation with an expression slider

05. Magnetism Setting keys for the slider

06. Magnetism Adding position and rotation keys to the other letters

07. Magnetism Staggering keys and tying them all to a duplicate slider

08. Magnetism Chromatic aberration for secondary animation

09. Gravity Setting up to create the swinging effect

10. Gravity Creating a swinging effect with 3D layers

11. Gravity Creating and using a user defined animation preset

12. Gravity Breaking a layer to move its anchor point

13. Gravity Creating the fall and follow through animation

14. Water Animating the position of the first letter

15. Water Animating the rotation and orientation of the letter "a"

16. Water Setting up sliders for rotation and position idle wiggle control

17. Water Reusing the keyframe data and editing it

18. Water Editing the orientation for each letter

19. Water Using CC Particle Systems II to create background bubbles

20. Water Editing the particles system to make bubbles for the individual letters

21. Wind Adding a Fill effect to the letters

22. Wind Starting the "w" animation

23. Wind Fine-tuning the rotation

24. Wind Adding orientation keys

25. Wind Adding the CC Page Turn effect to show wind gusts

26. Wind Setting up sliders for Y Position wiggle control

27. Wind Starting the "i" animation

28. Wind Smoothing the "i" animation

29. Wind Creating the "n" animation

30. Wind Building the "d" animation

31. Wind Editing the page turn effect to include the final letter

32. Wind Adding Turbulent Noise for wind direction reinforcement

33. Wind Final polish


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  • 文件总数:33
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    9 人已学习
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  • Digital Tutors - Animating with the Forces of Nature in After Effects