01.介绍和项目概述(01.Introduction and project overview)
02.项目介绍(02.Introducing the project)
03.复习画笔(03.Reviewing the brushes)
04.建立技巧和技巧(04.Establishing tips and techniques)
05.堵塞卷筒(05.Blocking out scroll canister)
06.精制涡旋罐(06.Refining scroll canister)
07.滚动卷筒详图(07.Detailing scroll canister)
08.堵龙体(08.Blocking out the dragon body)
09.创造龙鳞(09.Creating dragon scales)
10.自定义插入网格笔刷(10.Customizing InsertMesh brushes)
11.封龙(11.Blocking out the dragon head)
12.炼龙头(12.Refining the dragon head)
13.龙头详图(13.Detailing the dragon head)
14.堵龙角(14.Blocking out the dragon horns)
15.堵住龙发(15.Blocking out the dragon hair)
16.精制龙发(16.Refining the dragon hair)
17.龙须详述(17.Detailing the dragon hair)
18.封龙(18.Blocking out the dragon arms)
19.放置龙臂(19.Placing the dragon arms)
20.增龄效应(20.Adding aging effects)
21.添加侵蚀效应(21.Adding erosion effects)
22.应用材料, 色彩与渲染(22.Applying material, color and render)
23.PS图象处理软件编辑与课程结论(23.Editing in Photoshop and the course conclusion)
爱给网提供海量的Zbrush资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的01.介绍和项目概述(01.Introduction and project overview), 本站编号35560274, 该Zbrush素材大小为9m, 时长为45秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 该素材已被下载:18次, 作者为blevesque4, 更多精彩Zbrush素材,尽在爱给网。