01 介绍和项目概述(01 Introduction and Project Overview)
02 01 在Mudbox创造可伸缩的纹理(02 01 Creating Tileable Textures in Mudbox)
02 02 输出我们的肌理并建立我们的材料(02 02 Exporting Our Texture and Building Our Material)
02 03 模型上的顶点绘制(02 03 Vertex Painting on the Model)
02 04 玛雅文化遗址雪结构建筑(02 04 Building Snow Structures in Maya)
02 05 设置我们的层着色器(02 05 Setting up Our Layer Shader)
02 06 层状材料饰面材料(02 06 Finishing Material for Layered Material)
02 07 制作第二材料功能(02 07 Making Our Second Material Function)
02 08 整理第二材料功能(02 08 Finishing up Our Second Material Function)
02 09 创建一个材料功能混合节点(02 09 Creating a Material Function Blend Node)
02 10 整理积雪材料(02 10 Finishing up Our Layered Snow Material)
02 11 启动我们的暴雪发射器材料(02 11 Starting Our Blizzard Emitter Material)
02 12 完成无光粒子发射器(02 12 Finishing Our Unlit Particle Emitter)
02 13 连接我们褪色的雪片材料(02 13 Connecting Our Fading Snow Flake Material)
02 14 完成我们的速度雪发射器(02 14 Finishing Our Velocity Snow Emitter)
02 15 启动粒子发射器(02 15 Starting Our Particle Emitter)
02 16 完成我们的雪发射器(02 16 Finishing Our Snow Emitter)
02 17 向Snow Emitter添加节点(02 17 Adding Nodes to Snow Emitter)
02 18 创建3发射体的RD粒子系统(02 18 Creating a 3rd Particle System for Our Emitter)
02 19 为暴雪效果完成我们的发射器(02 19 Finishing Our Emitter for the Blizzard Effect)
02 20 编辑我们的Blizzard Range(02 20 Editing Our Blizzard Range)
02 21 为雪环境创造贴花(02 21 Creating Decals for a Snow Environment)
02 22 为我们的顶点位移绘制材料(02 22 Creating a Material for Our Vertex Displacement Painting)
02 23 利用高度图和材质创建顶点绘制(02 23 Creating Vertex Painting Using Height Map and Material)
02 24 最后环境的编辑材料和雾(02 24 Editing Materials and Fog for Final Environment)
2 创建游戏模式和Pawn类(2 Creating GameMode and Pawn classes)
3 创建蓝图界面与我们的Pawn沟通(3 Creating a Blueprint Interface to communicate with our Pawn)
4 创造飞行之门(4 Creating a flight gate)
5 追踪大门,爪子飞过(5 Tracking the gates the Pawn flies through)
6 设置输入绑定(6 Setting up the input bindings)
7 添加网格和摄像机(7 Adding a mesh and cameras)
8 脚本相机视图(8 Scripting camera views)
9 调整第三人称相机(9 Adjusting third person camera)
10 增加物理推力器部件(10 Adding physics thruster components)
11 编写我们的船舶横摇控制器(11 Scripting our ship"s roll controls)
12 实现船舶俯仰和偏航控制(12 Implementing our ship"s pitch and yaw controls)
13 编写我们船的推力控制器(13 Scripting our ship"s thrust controls)
14 使用动态材料实例使船舶发动机在活动时发光(14 Using Dynamic Material Instances to make the ship"s engines glow when active)
15 创建座舱视图的用户界面(15 Creating the user interface for the cockpit view)
16 编写用户界面以显示船舶的俯仰和滚转(16 Scripting the user interface to show the ship"s pitch and roll)
17 为第三人称相机创建用户界面(17 Creating the user interface for the third person camera)
18 创建用户界面控件(18 Creating a user interface widget)
19 在RealPr@ Apple INT中实现用户界面和调试(19 Implementing the user interface and debugging in Blueprint)
01. 介绍和项目概述(01. Introduction and project overview)
02. 默认地图和播放器设置(02. Default map and player setup)
03. 创建蓝图成为皮卡的基类(03. Create Blueprint to be base class for pickups)
04. 完成基类和创建子类(04. Finishing base class and creating subclasses)
05. 使用构造脚本和继承创建独特行为(05. Using Construction Script and inheritance to create unique behavior)
06. 向拾取器添加材料以创建枚举(06. Adding materials to the pickups to create an enumeration)
07. 游戏模式综述(07. Overview of the GameMode)
08. 在游戏模式中实现蓝图接口功能(08. Implementing Blueprint Interface function in GameMode)
09. 跟踪球员拾取和测试(09. Tracking player pickups and testing)
10. 创建一个演员蓝图来传达剩余皮卡的数量(10. Creating an Actor Blueprint to communicate the number of remaining pickups)
11. 使用构造脚本设置变量的默认值(11. Using Construction Script to set default values for variables)
12. 在蓝图中创建和实现接口消息(12. Creating and implementing Interface Messages in Blueprint)
13. 通过蓝图接口实现复杂函数(13. Implementing complex functions through Blueprint Interfaces)
14. 向播放器旋转场景组件(14. Rotating scene components towards the player)
15. 实现密钥授予者蓝图执行器的核心功能(15. Implementing the core functionality of the Key Giver Blueprint Actor)
16. 继续执行密钥授予者蓝图执行器的核心功能(16. Continuing to implement the core functionality of the Key Giver Blueprint Actor)
17. 完成密钥授予者蓝图执行器的实现(17. Completing the implementation of the Key Giver Blueprint Actor)
18. 门扉演员的构成要素(18. Setting up the components of the Door Blueprint Actor)
19. 创建蓝图界面与蓝图交互(19. Creating a Blueprint Interface to interact with Blueprints)
20. 实现玩家互动的门Bropr@(20. Implementing player interactivity for the Door Blueprint Actor)
21. 使用时间线创建过程动画(21. Creating a procedural animation using a timeline)
22. 使用线迹与游戏世界互动(22. Using a line trace to interact with the game world)
23. 使用蓝图接口简化脚本编写(23. Using Blueprint Interfaces to simplify scripting)
24. 创建一个简单的用户界面,使用HUD蓝宝石@(24. Creating a simple user interface with the HUD Blueprint)
25. 创建蓝图演员(25. Creating the Blueprint Actor)
26. 在体积图上实现游戏的重叠事件(26. Implementing the overlap events for the GameOverVolume Blueprint)
27. 创建一个新的蓝图界面,用于@(27. Creating a new Blueprint Interface for the Character Blueprint)
28. 完成游戏的体积蓝图并实现重新加载的水平(28. Completing the GameOverVolume Blueprint and implementing reloading of the level)
29. 最终水平播放和课程概述(29. Final level play through and course overview)
01.介绍和项目概述(01.Introduction and project overview)
02.一般设置提示(02.General setup tips)
03.创建游戏网格(03.Creating the game mesh)
04.Retopologizing 刀片式服务器(04.Retopologizing the blade)
05.定稿刀片(05.Finalizing the blade)
06.建立平滑群(06.Setting up smoothing groups)
07.展开你 Vs(07.Unwrapping the UVs)
08.烘烤正常和环境遮挡图(08.Baking the normal and ambient occlusion maps)
09.烘焙漫罩(09.Baking the diffuse mask)
10.DD中的叶片纹理化(10.Texturing the blade in dDo)
11.在叶片上添加污垢和污垢(11.Adding dirt and grime to the blade)
12.纹理处理(12.Texturing the handle)
13.从D- DO导出纹理(13.Exporting textures from dDo)
14.建立我们的基本材料3DS Max(14.Setting up our basic material in 3ds Max)
15.创建LOD(15.Creating LOD"s)
16.创建碰撞模型并导出资产(16.Creating the collision model and exporting the asset)
17.导入静态网格(17.Importing the static mesh)
18.材料定型(18.Finalizing the material)
01. 介绍和项目概述(01. Introduction and project overview)
02. 蓝图界面概述(02. Blueprint Interface overview)
03. 创建基本蓝图(03. Creating a basic level blueprint)
04. 完成水平蓝图(04. Finishing the level blueprint)
05. 创建类蓝图(05. Creating a class blueprint)
06. 将功能添加到类蓝图中(06. Adding functionality to the class blueprint)
07. 设置第二个蓝图对象(07. Setting up the second blueprint object)
08. 两类蓝图之间的通信(08. Communicating between two class blueprints)
1 介绍和项目概述(1 Introduction and project overview)
2 学习施工脚本(2 Learning Construction Script)
3 建立施工脚本蓝图(3 Setting up a Blueprint for Construction Script)
4 将静态网格脚本化为产卵(4 Scripting Static Meshes to spawn)
5 完成静态网格(5 Completing Static Meshes)
6 创建布局静态网格的蓝图(6 Creating a Blueprint to layout Static Meshes)
7 完成静态网格蓝图(7 Completing the Static Mesh Blueprint)
8 为动态材料实例创建材料(8 Creating materials for Dynamic Material Instances)
9 使用动态材料实例编写脚本(9 Scripting with Dynamic Material Instances)
10 用蓝图设置灯(10 Setting up a lamp with Blueprint)
11 编写我们的灯蓝图(11 Scripting our lamp Blueprint)
12 完成我们的蓝图(12 Completing our lamp Blueprint)
13 为随机树叶创建蓝图(13 Creating a Blueprint for random foliage)
14 随机道具脚本蓝图(14 Scripting Blueprint for random props)
15 图纸的整理与测试(15 Finishing and testing the Blueprint)
01. 介绍和项目概述(01. Introduction and project overview)
02. 照明基础(02. Lighting basics)
03. 基本光特性(03. Basic light properties)
04. 光迁移率(04. Light mobility)
05. 固定式和活动式灯(05. Stationary and movable lights)
06. 固定光提示(06. Stationary light tips)
07. 先进光特性(07. Advanced light properties)
08. 产生轻微的闪烁(08. Creating a light flicker)
01.介绍和项目概述(01.Introduction and project overview)
02.材料创建工作流(02.Material creation workflow)
03.物质创造概念(03.Material creation concepts)
04.材料性能概述(04.Material properties overview)
05.使用混合模式(05.Using blend modes)
06.使用照明模型(06.Using lighting models)
07.物质投入(07.Material Inputs)
08.继续讨论材料输入(08.Continuing to discuss the material inputs)
09.完成材料输入(09.Finishing the material inputs)
10.材料表达与功能(10.Material expressions and functions)
11.使用纹理为道具(11.Using textures for props)
12.使用金属输入(12.Using the metallic input)
13.粗糙度修正(13.Modifying the roughness)
14.评论与组织材料(14.Commenting and organizing materials)
15.柳条材料的制作(15.Creating the wicker material)
16.创建材质实例(16.Creating material instances)
01. 介绍和项目概述(01. Introduction and project overview)
02. 接口概述(02. Interface overview)
03. 粒子系统解剖学(03. Particle system anatomy)
04. 精灵发射器(04. Sprite emitters)
05. GPU精灵发射器(05. GPU sprite emitters)
06. 网格粒子发射器(06. Mesh particle emitters)
07. 带状粒子发射器(07. Ribbon particle emitters)
08. 射束粒子发射器(08. Beam particle emitters)
09. 阿尼姆粒子发射器(09. Anim trail particle emitters)
10. 亚紫外粒子系统(10. Sub UV particle systems)
11. 粒子系统优化(11. Optimizing particle systems)
01 介绍和项目概述(01 Introduction and project overview)
02 后处理体积基础(02 Post processing volume basics)
03 电影(03 Film)
04 场景色彩(04 Scene color)
05 创建查找表(05 Creating a look up table)
06 布卢姆(06 Bloom)
07 自动曝光(07 Auto exposure)
08 镜头光晕(08 Lens flare)
09 环境遮挡(09 Ambient occlusion)
10 全局光照(10 Global illumination)
11 景深的(11 Depth of field)
12 运动模糊(12 Motion blur)
13 屏幕空间反射(13 Screen space reflections)
14 抗混叠(14 Anti-Aliasing)
01 介绍和项目概述(01 Introduction and project overview)
02 查看游戏级别(02 Viewing the game level)
03 修改HUD蓝图(03 Modifying the HUD Blueprint)
04 脚本武器射击(04 Scripting weapon fire)
05 在武器命中中添加粒子效应(05 Adding a particle effect to weapon hits)
06 使用弹药的脚本(06 Scripting the use of ammunition)
07 创建播放器蓝图界面(07 Creating the player Blueprint Interface)
08 创建蓝图并添加组件(08 Creating a Blueprint and adding components)
09 与玩家脚本交互(09 Scripting interaction with the Player)
10 创建游戏模式和可射击蓝图界面(10 Creating GameMode and shootable Blueprint Interfaces)
11 创建射击靶场目标(11 Creating the shooting range targets)
12 拍摄靶场目标(12 Scripting the shooting range targets)
13 创建一个程序驱动的动画(13 Creating a procedurally driven animation)
14 创造时间的动力并编写它旋转(14 Creating the time powerup and scripting it to spin)
15 剧本《时间动力》对被枪击的反应(15 Scripting the time powerup"s reaction to being shot)
16 在游戏模式中脚本游戏(16 Scripting gameplay in the GameMode)
17 在非真实运动图形中创建简单的用户界面(17 Creating a simple User Interface in Unreal Motion Graphics)
18 创建数据绑定(18 Creating Data Bindings)
19 完成游戏界面(19 Completing the Game UI)
20 从静态网格创建蓝图(20 Creating a Blueprint from a Static Mesh)
21 使用事件调度器处理游戏(21 Using an Event Dispatcher to handle game over)
22 编写结束游戏按钮(22 Scripting the end game button)
23 在处理程序自定义事件上编写游戏脚本(23 Scripting a GameOverHandler Custom Event)
24 将输入动作添加到我们的@(24 Adding InputActions to our Character Blueprint)
25 创建高级UI小部件蓝图的结尾(25 Creating the end of level UI Widget Blueprint)
26 完成级别UI小部件蓝图的结束(26 Completing the end of level UI Widget Blueprint)
27 编写数据绑定脚本(27 Scripting the Data Bindings)
28 当级别UI结束时在屏幕上显示脚本(28 Scripting when the end of level UI displays on screen)
29 创造秘密之门蓝图(29 Creating a secret door Blueprint)
30 密门蓝图(30 Scripting the secret door Blueprint)
31 完成秘密门蓝图的脚本编写(31 Completing the scripting for the secret door Blueprint)
32 游戏测试(32 Testing the game)
01 介绍和项目概述(01 Introduction and project overview)
02 复习分块系统(02 Reviewing block sorting system)
03 向项目添加代码并创建蓝图函数库(03 Adding code to a project and creating a Blueprint Function Library)
04 在VisualStudio中构建和调试项目(04 Building and debugging a project in Visual Studio)
05 在头文件中编写函数定义(05 Writing the function definition in the header file)
06 编写函数的实现(06 Writing the implementation of our function)
07 C中Fisher Hyth-Douffle算法的实现++(07 Implementing the Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm in C++)
08 实现块排序系统(08 Implementing block sorting system)
09 项目信息系统综述(09 Reviewing the item information system)
10 使用微软Excel创建游戏项目的电子表格(10 Using Microsoft Excel to create a spreadsheet for in-game items)
11 写C++ 定义数据的结构(11 Writing a C++ struct to define data)
12 导入CSV文件创建数据表(12 Importing the CSV file to create a DataTable)
13 在数据表中实现获取数据表行使用数据(13 Implementing GetDataTableRow to use data in the DataTable)
14 项目信息系统升级(14 Upgrading the item information system)
15 项目信息系统综述(15 Reviewing the item information system)
1 介绍和项目概述(1 Introduction and project overview)
2 日场界面概述(2 Matinee interface overview)
3 用相机工作(3 Working with cameras)
4 激活电影(4 Activating the cinematic)
5 使用多摄像机(5 Using multiple cameras)
6 禁用玩家移动和HUD(6 Disabling player movement and hud)
7 设置互动门(7 Setting up interactive doors)
8 设置电梯(8 Setting up an elevator)
9 整修电梯(9 Finishing the elevator)
10 探索新的轨道和团体(10 Exploring new tracks and groups)
01. 介绍和项目概述(01. Introduction and project overview)
02. 创建一个新项目(02. Creating a new project)
03. 虚幻引擎接口概述(03. Unreal Engine interface overview)
04. 自定义界面(04. Customizing the interface)
05. 视区导航(05. Viewport navigation)
06. 放置和操纵演员(06. Placing and manipulating actors)
07. 利用先进的操作技术(07. Utilizing advanced manipulation techniques)
08. BSP几何基础(08. BSP geometry basics)
09. 内容浏览器(09. The content browser)
10. 层次封锁(10. Blocking in the level)
11. 切割窗(11. Cutting out windows)
12. 结束阻塞阶段(12. Finishing the blocking phase)
13. 导入静态网格资产(13. Importing static mesh assets)
14. 放置我们的墙(14. Placing our walls)
15. 外墙饰面(15. Finishing the outside walls)
16. 整理房间结构(16. Finishing the room structure)
17. 放置门窗(17. Placing the doors and windows)
18. 照明基础(18. Lighting basics)
19. 材料编辑器基础(19. Material editor basics)
20. 创造我们的第一个材料(20. Creating our first material)
21. 制作彩绘木料(21. Creating a painted wood material)
22. 涂饰木材材料(22. Finishing the painted wood material)
23. 利用参数建立实例材料(23. Using parameters to set up instanced materials)
24. 使用实例材料(24. Using instanced materials)
25. 把材料送到我们的房间(25. Applying materials to our room)
26. 照明环境(26. Lighting the environment)
27. 创造风景(27. Creating a landscape)
28. 在风景中增加树叶(28. Adding foliage to the landscape)
29. 成套敷料基础(29. Set dressing basics)
30. 完成视觉效果(30. Finalizing the visuals)
31. 创建可切换光(31. Creating a toggleable light)
01. 介绍和项目概述(01. Introduction and project overview)
02. 创建和开放项目(02. Creating and opening projects)
03. 接口概述(03. Interface overview)
04. 出口和进口游戏资产(04. Exporting and importing game assets)
05. 创建主材料(05. Creating the master material)
06. 创建材料实例(06. Creating a material instance)
07. 操纵游戏资产(07. Manipulating game assets)
08. 定景(08. Set dressing the scene)
09. 最终转让(09. Final assignment)
01. 介绍和项目概述(01. Introduction and project overview)
02. 轻基础(02. Light basics)
03. 光烘烤(03. Light baking)
04. 添加声音(04. Adding sound)
05. 粒子效应基础(05. Particle effect basics)
06. 探索模块(06. Exploring modules)
07. 尘埃粒子系统的精加工(07. Finishing the dust particle system)
08. 把它所有的在一起(08. Bringing it all together)
09. 最终转让(09. Final assignment)
01. 介绍和项目概述(01. Introduction and project overview)
02. 蓝图基础(02. Blueprint basics)
03. 设置输入项目设置(03. Setting up the input project settings)
04. 创造“@”(04. Creating character movement)
05. 创建新的游戏模式(05. Creating a new game mode)
06. 建立玩家互动(06. Setting up player interaction)
07. 与项目交互(07. Interacting with items)
08. 最终转让(08. Final assignment)
01. 纹理样本(01. Texture sample)
02. 纹理坐标(02. Texture coordinate)
03. 恒定3矢量(03. Constant3Vector)
04. 繁殖(04. Multiply)
05. add(05. Add)
06. 恒定(06. Constant)
07. 线性插值(07. Linear interpolate)
08. 顶点颜色(08. Vertex color)
09. Panner与时间(09. Panner and Time)
10. 转子(10. Rotator)
11. 一减(11. One-minus)
12. 噪声(12. Noise)
13. 去饱和作用(13. Desaturation)
14. 组件掩码和附加向量(14. Component mask and append vector)
01. 介绍和项目概述(01. Introduction and project overview)
02. 创建和开放项目(02. Creating and opening projects)
03. 接口概述(03. Interface overview)
04. 视区导航(04. Viewport navigation)
05. 放置和操作对象(05. Placing and manipulating objects)
06. 管理内容(06. Managing content)
07. 基础材料创作(07. Basic material creation)
08. 基本照明(08. Basic lighting)
09. 使用蓝图(09. Using blueprints)
10. 创建日场序列(10. Creating a matinee sequence)
11. 定妆(11. Set dressing a scene)
12. 创建照明通道(12. Creating a lighting pass)
13. 通过摄像机动画呈现场景(13. Presenting the scene through camera animation)
14. 包装我们的项目(14. Packaging our project)
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