001 欢迎光临(001 Welcome)
002 你应该知道的(002 What you should know)
003 练习文件(003 Exercise files)
004 什么是UVW坐标_(004 What are UVW coordinates_)
005 UVW贴图和比例(005 UVW maps and scale)
006 设置UV视图(006 Setting up a UV view)
007 正确显示视口贴图(007 Displaying viewport maps correctly)
008 使用UV展开节点(008 Working with the UV Unwrap node)
09.测试 使用UV快速着色节点的U V(09.Testing UVs with the UV Quick Shade node)
010 如何重置U V_属性删除_(010 How to reset UVs _attribute delete_)
011 选择纹理类型(011 Choosing a texture type)
012 Mapping NURBS and Bézier surfaces
013 刻度偏移和角度(013 Scale offset and angle)
014 UV项目节点(014 UV Project node)
015 制作UV接缝(015 Making UV seams)
016 使用组存储UV接缝选择(016 Using groups to store UV seam selections)
017 添加到已创建的UV组(017 Adding to already created UV groups)
018 使用毛皮贴图的接缝(018 Using seams with pelt mapping)
019 将接缝与UV展平节点一起使用(019 Using seams with the UV Flatten node)
020 UV布局节点(020 The UV Layout node)
022 缝制共用点(022 Sewing shared points)
023 软选择(023 Soft selection)
024 下载工具包(024 Downloading the tool kit)
025 使用自动生成的U V(025 Using auto-generated UVs)
026 紫外线堆垛机(026 UV Stacker)
027 下一步(027 Next steps)
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