
  • 其他 : Digital Tutors
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  • 爱给网提供海量的Maya资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的教训12 做快速造型(Lesson 12 Doing a quick sculpt), 本站编号31882512, 该Maya素材大小为37m, 时长为12分 00秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为Crusoe_diplomat, 更多精彩Maya素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    译文: 在本教程中,我们将了解以概念设计到生产的所有阶段和创建结束时仍然很好地呈现。在这些经验教训我们将了解概念,收集参考,和使用该引用来阻挡你的形状或字符。然后,我们将快速位移通过导入 ZBrush 采取这一概念。最后,我们将了解 MODO 和如何建立我们的着色器和纹理在这个包中。一次我们 ' 再满意我们设置我们便呈现出一种美感还是我们的模型。在本教程中,您将有更好地理解过程拿一块粗糙概念并把它变成一种程式化的三维年底呈现,并且会学到一些新的技术,一路走来。 原文: In this tutorial we will learn about taking a concept through all stages of production and creating a nicely rendered still at the end. Throughout these lessons we will learn about concept, gathering reference, and using that reference to block out your shape or character. We will then take this concept into ZBrush for a quick displacement pass. Finally, we will learn about MODO and how to set up our shaders and textures in that package. Once we're happy with our settings we will render out a beauty still of our model. At the end of this tutorial you will have a better understanding of the process of taking a rough concept piece and turning it into a stylized 3D render, and will have learned some new techniques along the way.