001 Welcome
002 What you should know before watching this course
003 Using the exercise files
004 The AutoCAD tool palettes explained
005 Using a tool palette
006 Using AutoCAD DesignCenter
007 Using DesignCenter
008 Finding blocks with DesignCenter
009 Insertion scale
010 Inserting blocks
011 Creating tool palettes from DesignCenter
012 Options
013 Putting blocks on a palette
014 Putting styles on a palette
015 Putting hatches on a palette
016 Putting DWGs on a palette
017 Creating a new block palette
018 Setting properties and scaling
019 Setting palette properties
020 Creating a new palette group
021 Exporting a tool palette
022 Importing a tool palette
023 Exporting a palette group
024 Palettes and paths
025 Sharing palettes
026 Flyout tools
027 Modifying command tools
028 Locking tool palette content
029 Creating a basic dynamic block
030 Finding the block in DesignCenter
031 Creating a new tool palette
032 Setting palette properties
033 Changing the look of your tool palette
034 Checking scaling of the block
035 Checking description on the tool palette
036 Inserting the block from the tool palette
037 Creating a palette group for the block
038 Exporting the tool palette
039 Importing the tool palette
040 Next steps
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