001 Welcome
002 Software versions used
003 What you should know before watching this course
004 Using the exercise files
005 Gamma handling and color management
006 Using Intel Embree
007 A word about HDRIs
008 Getting V-Ray up and running
009 Locating V-Ray tools and features in the UI
010 Using the Quick Settings feature
011 Overview of V-Ray frame buffer controls
012 VFB history controls
013 Understanding subdivs
014 Overview of color mapping
015 What the color mapping modes do
016 Exploring V-Ray light types - Sun
017 Exploring V-Ray light types - Sky
018 Exploring V-Ray light types - Spot
019 Exploring V-Ray light types - IES
020 Exploring V-Ray light types - Hemi
021 Exploring V-Ray light types - Area
022 Exploring V-Ray light types - IBL
023 Using irradiance mapping - Part 1
024 Using irradiance mapping - Part 2
025 Working with the light cache
026 Applying brute force GI
027 Overview of the V-Ray Physical Camera
028 Understanding the exposure controls
029 Handling perspective correction
030 Setting up a depth of field effect
031 Working with motion blur
032 Introduction to V-Ray materials in Blender
033 Creating diffuse color
034 Adding reflectivity to a material
035 Making a clear glass material
036 Creating colored and frosted glass
037 Using the VRmat format
038 The Progressive sampler
039 Working with the Adaptive Subdivision engine
040 How to use the Adaptive DMC engine
041 Using the Fixed Rate engine
042 Using the "universal" settings approach
043 Vlado"s preferred methods for sampling
044 What next_
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