Lynda - Creating High Dynamic Range (HDR) Photos with Lightroom

001 Welcome

003 Using the exercise files

004 Shooting strategies for HDR photos

005 How many brackets do you need_

006 Additional HDR photography equipment

009 Automatically stacking HDR images based on shoot time

010 Organizing HDR images with collections and stacks

012 How Lightroom is different from Photoshop`s Merge to HDR Pro

013 Required metadata and properties for merging HDR photos

014 Speeding up the HDR Photomerge process

015 Analyzing the preview image

016 Correcting lens issues with lens profiles

017 Developing the new HDR DNG file

018 Organization and naming strategies for merged files

019 When to skip auto-aligning

020 When to skip Auto Tone

022 Modifying the crop after the merge

023 Additional ghosting strategies

024 Choosing a custom white balance

025 Using the HSL controls to remove color cast

026 Using split toning to refine color balance

027 Invoking upright and manual adjustments

029 Reducing noise in the HDR file

030 Sharpening the HDR file

031 Running in Headless mode

032 Viewing progress in the Activity Center

033 Modifying the image and reusing the settings

034 Shooting strategies for black and white images

035 Merging for black and white

036 Refining contrast in the black-and-white image

037 Creating a custom black-and-white mix

038 The Creative Cloud connection

040 Exchanging the HDR file with Photoshop

041 Advanced strategies to correct color cast

042 Advanced healing and cloning in Photoshop

043 Additional lens correction

044 Invoking Camera Raw as a filter

045 Sending the image back to your Lightroom catalog

047 Exchanging raw files to Photomatix Pro

048 Advanced deghosting in Photomatix Pro

049 Exchanging a merged file to Photomatix Pro and Tone Mapping

050 Next steps


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  • Lynda - Creating High Dynamic Range (HDR) Photos with Lightroom
    001 Welcome 01分 44秒 4K 下载