001 Welcome
002 What you should know before watching this course
003 Using the exercise files
004 An overview of the color correction workflow
005 The benefits of color correction
006 Understanding video scopes
007 Shadows, midtones, and highlights
008 Evaluating a shot with video scopes and fixing contrast
009 Adjusting saturation and color
010 Analyzing for white balance on import
011 Applying white balance to analyzed clips
012 Matching color
013 Applying look effects
014 Applying color board presets
015 Saving color board presets and effect presets
016 The Broadcast Safe effect
017 Using auditions to compare effects
018 Working with compositing modes
019 Color board keyboard shortcuts and tricks
020 Manually balancing shots
021 Manually matching color of shots
022 Adding color masks
023 Adding shape masks
024 Working with control points
025 Working with multiple corrections
026 Applying a film look
027 Creating a bleach bypass look
028 Creating a day for night effect
029 Final thoughts
爱给网提供海量的Final Cut Pro资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的015 Saving color board presets and effect presets, 本站编号42537618, 该Final Cut Pro素材大小为10m, 时长为03分 33秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 更多精彩Final Cut Pro素材,尽在爱给网。