Lynda – Revit 2017 -- Essential Training for MEP (Imperial)

001 Welcome

002 What you should know before watching this course

003 Using the exercise files

004 Starting a project using Revit templates

005 Touring the user interface

006 Linking other models

007 Copying levels and setting up monitoring

008 Creating floor plans

009 Viewing the models

010 Adding receptacles

011 Adding panels

012 Creating spaces

013 Creating a circuit

014 Adding lighting fixtures

015 Adding switches

016 Creating a lighting circuit

017 Creating a switching circuit

018 Creating and labeling a wiring plan

019 Adding conduit

020 Creating conduit types

021 Adding cable tray

022 Challenge - Electrical

023 Solution - Electrical

024 Starting a mechanical project

025 Adding mechanical equipment

026 Adding air terminals

027 Adding a supply duct

028 Adding a return duct

029 Adding duct accessories and fittings

030 Sizing a duct

031 Tagging a duct

032 Adding zones and heating and cooling loads

033 Challenge - Mechanical

034 Solution - Mechanical

035 Creating a plumbing view

036 Adding fixtures and domestic supply piping

037 Adding sanitary sloped piping

038 Adding equipment

039 Adding additional piping

040 Creating a system

041 Adding pipe accessories

042 Tagging items

043 Looking at the System Browser

044 Creating a sprinkler view

045 Adding sprinklers

046 Creating sprinkler pipe types

047 Modeling mains

048 Modeling branch lines

049 Adding pipe accessories

050 Tagging items

051 Adding specialty items

052 Creating a fire alarm circuit

053 Creating a fire alarm view

054 Creating detail views

055 Importing CAD

056 Importing details

057 Creating sheets

058 Printing sheets

059 Creating schedules

060 Using phasing

061 Working with text

062 Working with dimensions

063 Looking at mechanical settings

064 Simple modify techniques

065 Making and controlling revisions

066 Fabrication settings

067 Designing and optimizing to fabrication

068 Modeling fabrication parts

069 Adding hangers

070 Tagging

071 Fabrication schedules

072 Next steps


  • 其他后期软件教程 : 其他
  • 文件总数:72
  • 4K
    10 人已学习
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  • 爱给网提供海量的Revit资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的022 Challenge - Electrical, 本站编号42542752, 该Revit素材大小为1m, 时长为29秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 该素材已被下载:1次, 更多精彩Revit素材,尽在爱给网。

  • Lynda – Revit 2017 -- Essential Training for MEP (Imperial)
    001 Welcome 01分 05秒 4K 下载
    070 Tagging 03分 02秒 4K 下载