Lynda - SketchUp for Architecture LayOut

001 Welcome

002 What you should know before watching this course

003 Using the exercise files

004 What to expect from watching this course

005 Differences between the Windows and Mac interface

006 The SketchUp triumvirate - Styles, scenes, and sections

007 What are styles

008 Editing style edges

009 Editing style faces

010 The background settings

011 The watermark settings

012 Creating a template watermark with Adobe Illustrator

013 Creating a template watermark with SketchUp

014 The model settings

015 Mixing new styles

016 Saving styles

017 What are scenes

018 Adding scenes

019 Updating scenes

020 Aligning geometry between scenes

021 Animating scenes

022 Adding sections

023 Active, inactive, and selected

024 Aligning, flipping, and exporting sections

025 Controlling section visibility

026 Animating sections

027 More than one section

028 Acoustic ceiling animated

029 Location and site plan views

030 Floor plan views

031 Front elevation view

032 Elevations, no landscape

033 Sections views

034 3D views

035 Remaining 3D views

036 The LayOut interface

037 Customizing the toolbars

038 LayOut preferences

039 Document setup

040 References

041 Print setup

042 Large file sizes and how to deal with them

043 Template start

044 Inserting the company logo

045 Finishing the title box

046 Adding project information

047 Saving as a template

048 Loading the templates

049 Warning triangles and missing files

050 Site plans

051 Scrapbooks

052 3D views

053 Annotation

054 Floor plans

055 Raster vs. vector

056 The Create Group from Slice command

057 Slices

058 Slices complete

059 Moving the camera

060 Adding elevations

061 Duplicating sheets and changing styles

062 Adding pattern fills

063 Floor zones and tags

064 Grids and levels

065 Exploding model objects

066 The point size

067 Paragraph text

068 Label text

069 Dimensions

070 Adjusting dimensions

071 Adding blocks

072 The amazing scrapbook

073 CAD furniture

074 Using the Join and Split tools

075 Saving as scrapbook page

076 SketchUp models as scrapbook elements

077 Lines and arcs

078 Rectangles, circles, and polygons

079 Images and clipping masks

080 Clipping mask limits

081 Adding trees to elevations

082 Next steps


  • 其他后期软件教程 : 其他
  • 文件总数:82
  • 4K
    34 人已学习
  • 收藏 举报
  • 爱给网提供海量的SketchUp资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的014 The model settings, 本站编号42547518, 该SketchUp素材大小为13m, 时长为05分 21秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 更多精彩SketchUp素材,尽在爱给网。

  • Lynda - SketchUp for Architecture LayOut
    001 Welcome 03分 49秒 4K 下载
    034 3D views 05分 40秒 4K 下载
    040 References 05分 15秒 4K 下载
    041 Print setup 02分 17秒 4K 下载
    050 Site plans 04分 10秒 4K 下载
    051 Scrapbooks 03分 26秒 4K 下载
    052 3D views 03分 24秒 4K 下载
    053 Annotation 04分 39秒 4K 下载
    054 Floor plans 04分 38秒 4K 下载
    057 Slices 05分 40秒 4K 下载
    068 Label text 05分 03秒 4K 下载
    069 Dimensions 05分 28秒 4K 下载
    082 Next steps 04分 35秒 4K 下载