Lynda - Up and Running with Astute Graphics for Illustrator (updated Nov 22, 2016)

001 Welcome

002 Using the exercise files

005 Overview

006 Working with dynamic corners

007 Working with dynamic shapes

008 Editing paths with PathScribe

009 Using the Extend Path tool

010 Using the Smart Remove Brush tool

011 Using the Dynamic Measure tool

012 Using the Protractor panel

013 Connecting and straightening objects

014 Drawing tangents and perpendiculars

015 Drawing circles and arcs

016 Using the Snap to Collisions tool

017 Using the Rotate at Collision tool

018 Using the collision spacing

019 Mirroring artwork

020 Drawing with symmetry

021 Mirroring text and images

023 Creating vector halftones

024 Applying effects to photos

025 Drawing with InkScribe

026 Editing path segments with InkScribe

028 Drawing and modifying paths

029 Using Repeat Sketch

030 Using Intelligent Join

031 Using Gesture Trim

032 Using the Width Brush tool

033 Using the Width Gradient tool

034 Using the Width Selector tool

036 Using the Width Stamp panel

037 Using Width Stamp presets

038 Using custom contours

039 Overview

040 Working with drop shadows

041 Working with feathering

043 Working with Transform effects

044 Working with Free Distort effects

045 Working with Offset Path

046 Working with Gaussian Blur

047 Configuring autosaves and backups

048 Understanding stippling

049 Use the stipple controls

050 Stippling vectors

051 Stippling text

052 Stippling photos

053 Create stipple effects with symbols

054 Understanding symbol stipple settings

055 Symbol registration points

056 Texturino overview

057 Using the Opacity Brush

058 Applying and editing texture effects

059 Combining multiple textures

060 Importing textures

062 Creating effects with Knockout mode

063 Using the Texture Manager

064 Using the Texture Brush

066 Distorting textures

067 Packaging textures for collaboration

068 Next steps


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  • Lynda - Up and Running with Astute Graphics for Illustrator (updated Nov 22, 2016)
    005 Overview 02分 28秒 4K 下载
    039 Overview 05分 18秒 4K 下载
    068 Next steps 01分 10秒 4K 下载