001 Welcome
002 What you should know before watching this course
003 Using the exercise files
004 What is a substance_
005 Substance Designer workflow
006 Setting up our preferences
007 Creating a new substance graph
008 Saving out the package file
009 Importing resources
010 Working with the 3D view
011 Checking the material assignments
012 Setting up lighting
013 Adjusting environment reflections
014 Determining output resolution
015 Baking the initial resource maps
016 Creating material outputs
017 Using generator nodes to create large surface detail, part 1
018 Using generator nodes to create large surface detail, part 2
019 Using generator nodes to create large surface detail, part 3
020 Using generator nodes to create large surface detail, part 4
021 Using generator nodes to create small surface detail
022 Framing our outputs
023 Using filters (Blend, etc.) to create the diffuse maps
024 Using filters (Normal Combine, etc.) to create the normal maps
025 Using filters (Levels, Invert & Blend, etc.) to create the roughness map
026 Making the metallic map
027 Using normal maps to create a dynamic AO element
028 Exposing needed parameters (e.g., Crack Density)
029 Applying material effects
030 Publishing a substance
031 Importing substances into a host application (Unreal Engine 4)
032 What`s next_
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