Maya蟒蛇编程全面基础教程 - Beginning Python for Maya

1.1 - Beginning Python for Maya

1.2 - Python Overview

1.3 - Python vs MEL on Vimeo

1.4 - Scripting Environment on Vimeo

1.5 - Charcoal Editor Installation on Vimeo

1.6 - Python Versions (2.x and 3.x) on Vimeo

2.1 - Maya Commands on Vimeo

2.2 - Maya Command Reference on Vimeo

2.3 - Quick Help on Vimeo

2.4 - Converting MEL Commands to Python on Vimeo

3.1 - Core Data Types on Vimeo

3.2 - Variables on Vimeo

3.3 - Comments on Vimeo

3.4.1 - Numeric Types on Vimeo

3.4.2 - Operators on Vimeo

3.4.3 - Division and Truncation on Vimeo

3.5 - Maya Commands- getAttr on Vimeo

3.6 - Maya Commands- setAttr on Vimeo

3.7.1 - Strings on Vimeo

3.7.2 - Escape Sequences on Vimeo

3.7.3 - Basic String Operations on Vimeo

3.7.4 - Indexing and Slicing Strings on Vimeo

3.7.5 - Modifying Strings on Vimeo

3.7.6 - String Methods on Vimeo

3.7.7 - String Formatting on Vimeo

3.8 - Print Function on Vimeo

3.9.1 - Lists in Python on Vimeo

3.9.2 - Lists - Adding and Removing Objects on Vimeo

3.9.3 - Sorting Lists on Vimeo

3.10 - Maya Commands- ls on Vimeo

3.11 - Dictionaries in Python on Vimeo

3.12 - Tuples in Python on Vimeo

4.1 - Python Statements on Vimeo

4.2.1 - If_Else Flow Control on Vimeo

4.2.2 - Logical and_or Operators on Vimeo

4.3 - Maya Commands- Errors and Warnings on Vimeo

4.4 - For Loops in Python on Vimeo

4.5 - While Loops in Python on Vimeo

4.6 - Maya Commands- select on Vimeo

5.1 - Introduction to Functions in Python on Vimeo

5.2 - Function Basics on Vimeo

5.3 - Return Statements on Vimeo

5.4 - Args, Keywords Args and Defaults on Vimeo

5.5 - Pass by Reference on Vimeo

5.6 - Built-in Functions on Vimeo

5.7 - Simple Car Example Using Functions on Vimeo_2


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  • Maya蟒蛇编程全面基础教程 - Beginning Python for Maya