
  • 软件 : Nuke
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  • 教程简介:

    译文: 这门课将教你需要知道要有效地使用 3D 几何和建模技术在您的合成工作流程,而无需了解一切错综复杂的像玛雅的软件包。换句话说,您将学习只有好位。我们会涵盖一切从 UV 展开到基本细分曲面造型和图像基于的照明技术。在过去几年视觉特效合成一直碰撞过程三维灯光和渲染。排序的传统角色和 3D TD 之间的界限已经模糊显著。现在像在 Nuke RenderMan 渲染和铸造的采集的武士刀的事态发展,与排字再也不能忽略 3D 作为他们的工具集的一部分。达米安 · 艾伦是众所周知,在视觉特效工业作为一个领先的技术和技术顾问。他撰写了几本书籍的视觉效果和讲座的主题和火车上合成理论世界各地的工作室。除了咨询,艾伦作品作为一种视觉特效师和排序主要的好莱坞电影和广播的项目。达米安 · 艾伦教授︰ 原文:   This course will teach you exactly what you need to know to effectively use 3D geometry and modeling techniques in your compositing workflow, without having to learn all the intricacies of a software package like Maya. In other words, you’ll learn only the good bits. We’ll cover everything from UV unwrapping to the basic subdivision surface modeling and image based lighting techniques. Over the last few years VFX compositing has been on a collision course with 3D lighting and rendering. The lines between the traditional roles of compositor and 3D TD have blurred dramatically. Now with developments like RenderMan rendering inside of Nuke and the Foundry’s acquisition of Katana, compositors can no longer afford to ignore 3D as part of their toolset. Damian Allen is well known in the visual effects industry as a leading technique and technology consultant. He has authored several books on the subject of visual effects and lectures and trains studios around the world on compositing theory. In addition to consulting, Allen works as a visual effects supervisor and compositor on major Hollywood films and broadcast projects. Professor: Damian Allen