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Olberts Low Poly Forest虚幻引擎4的资产具有广泛的可能性,它适合森林生物群落中的许多环境,从茂密的森林到干燥的森林,通过岩石的山谷和草地,所有这些都保持了和谐的风格化的低多边形。


(23) Trees
(32) Rocks from all the sizes
(7) Bushes
(5) Little Trees
(8) Trunks
(5) Branches
(6) Grass and Ground Plants
(5) BackGround Landscape
(3) Clouds Included

Texture Size: All 2048×2048
Number of Textures: 6 (all used in the Grass and Ground Plants)
Collision: Yes, Per-Poly Collisions
Vertex Count: 8 to 212
LODs: 0
Number of Meshes: 94
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 3 Master Materials, 26 Material Instances
Platforms Tested: PC

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