Pluralsight - After Effects CC Compositing

01 - Introduction - What You Will Learn in This Course

02 - Introduction - Explanation of the Exercise Files

03 - Introduction - Creating a Keyable Green Screen

04 - Introduction - Explanation of Filming the Subject

05 - Introduction - Explanation of Filming the Background

06 - Introduction - Examining Use of Diffused Lighting

07 - Introduction - Using Proper Camera Equipment

08 - Preparing Your Project File - Importing and Interpreting Footage

09 - Preparing Your Project File - Setting Your Footage Inside a Comp

10 - Preparing Your Project File - Creating Your First Precomp

11 - Preparing Your Project File - Cleaning up the Project Panel

13 - Tracking and Masking the Skateboard - Tracking the Wheels

14 - Tracking and Masking the Skateboard - Creating a Solid Layer

15 - Tracking and Masking the Skateboard - Masking the Skateboard

16 - Tracking and Masking the Skateboard - Creating the Skateboard Track Matte

17 - Tracking and Masking the Skateboard - Feathering and Expanding the Mask

18 - Tracking and Masking the Skateboard - Correcting the Mask

20 - Tracking and Masking the Skateboard - Animating the Mask

21 - Tracking and Masking the Skateboard - Polishing the Mask Animation

22 - Tracking and Masking the Skateboard - Adding in the Background Footage

23 - Keying, Stabilizing, and Animating Footage - Using KeyLite

28 - Keying, Stabilizing, and Animating Footage - Adding Rotation to the Subject

29 - Building the Rear Wheels - Creating the Rear Wheels Precomp

30 - Building the Rear Wheels - Masking out the Rear Wheels

31 - Building the Rear Wheels - Scaling and Positioning the Rear Wheels

32 - Building the Rear Wheels - Correcting the Parallax Effect

33 - Building the Rear Wheels - Making Further Corrections with Easy Ease

34 - Adding the Exhaust Footage - Creating a Precomp for Exhaust Tracking

35 - Adding the Exhaust Footage - Creating Null Object for Exhaust Tracking Data

36 - Adding the Exhaust Footage - Tracking the Exhaust Port

37 - Adding the Exhaust Footage - Correct the Exhaust Port Track

38 - Adding the Exhaust Footage - Copying Tracking Data to your Precomp

39 - Adding the Exhaust Footage - Applying Exhaust Footage to Composition

40 - Adding the Exhaust Footage - Correcting the Tracking Movement

41 - Adding the Exhaust Footage - Color Correcting the Exhaust Footage

42 - Adding the Exhaust Footage - More Corrections to Exhaust Footage

43 - Adding the Exhaust Footage - Looping the Exhaust Footage

44 - Adding the Exhaust Footage - Copying Exhaust Footage for Second Port

45 - Adding the Exhaust Footage - Creating a Precomp for Organization

46 - Building the Bottom of the Skateboard - Preparing the Wood Texture

47 - Building the Bottom of the Skateboard - Darkening the Wood Texture

48 - Building the Bottom of the Skateboard - Applying Fast Blur and Bezier Warp

49 - Building the Bottom of the Skateboard - Shaping the Texture

51 - Building the Bottom of the Skateboard - Hiding the Texture

52 - Building the Bottom of the Skateboard - Correcting Texture Movements

53 - Building the Bottom of the Skateboard - Animating the Texture"s Color

54 - Replacing the Exhaust Port and Foot - Building the Foot

55 - Replacing the Exhaust Port and Foot - Creating Tracking Data for the Foot

56 - Replacing the Exhaust Port and Foot - Correcting Movement for Foot

57 - Replacing the Exhaust Port and Foot - Creating the Exhaust Port

58 - Replacing the Exhaust Port and Foot - Correcting Movement for Exhaust Port

60 - Applying Color Correction - Color-correcting the Background

61 - Applying Color Correction - Color-correcting the Skin

62 - Applying Color Correction - Tracking the Face for Correction

63 - Applying Color Correction - Sharpening and Brightening the Face

64 - Applying Color Correction - Coloring the Back Wheels

65 - Creating the Subject"s Shadow - Duplicating the Subject Layer

66 - Creating the Subject"s Shadow - Precomposing the Shadow

67 - Creating the Subject"s Shadow - Altering the Layer"s Appearance

68 - Creating the Subject"s Shadow - Positioning the Shadow

69 - Adding a Shaky Cam Effect - Preparing Shaky Cam Footage

70 - Adding a Shaky Cam Effect - Tracking the Shaky Cam Footage

71 - Adding a Shaky Cam Effect - Applying the Tracking Data to Your Assets

72 - Adding a Shaky Cam Effect - Correcting for Any Gaps

73 - Conclusion - Polishing and Final Touches

74 - Conclusion - Final Thoughts


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  • Pluralsight - After Effects CC Compositing