01 - Introduction - What You Will Learn in This Course
02 - Introduction - Prerequisites for This Course
03 - Introduction - Explanation of the Work Files
09 - Basic 2D Typography Animation - Applying Multiple Presets
17 - Creating Titles in CINEMA 4D Lite - Changing Text Style
18 - Creating Titles in CINEMA 4D Lite - Making Your Text 3D
23 - Working with Shape Layers - Intro to Shape Layers
27 - Working with Shape Layers - What Is a Repeater
37 - Adding Text to Repeater Sequence - Creating Text Layers
38 - Adding Text to Repeater Sequence - Adding a Camera
39 - Adding Text to Repeater Sequence - Animating the Text
53 - Finishing the Spring Title Sequence - Combining the Comps
58 - Finishing the Spring Title Sequence - Final Thoughts
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