01 - Course Overview - Course Overview
02 - Setting up Blender"s Workspace - Breaking Down the Asset
03 - Setting up Blender"s Workspace - Setting up the Reference Image
04 - Modeling the Bottle - Beginning the Model
05 - Modeling the Bottle - Modeling the Main Body of the Bottle
06 - Modeling the Bottle - Modeling the Bottom Section of the Bottle
07 - Modeling the Bottle - Finishing the Bottle
08 - Modeling the Bottle Cap - Modeling the Top Section of the Bottle
09 - Modeling the Bottle Cap - Modeling the Bottle Cap
10 - Modeling the Bottle Cap - Modeling the Final Details for the Soda Bottle
14 - UV Unwrapping the Soda Bottle - Marking the Seams Along the Mesh
15 - UV Unwrapping the Soda Bottle - UV Unwrapping the Soda Bottle
17 - Adding a Displacement Map - Applying the Displacement Map to the Bottle
18 - Setting up Materials - Assigning Materials to the Bottle
19 - Setting up Materials - Beginning to Create the Material for the Label
20 - Setting up Materials - Adding a Normal Map to the Label Material
21 - Setting up Materials - Creating the Clear Plastic Material
22 - Setting up Materials - Creating the Mesh for the Cola Liquid
23 - Setting up Materials - Applying a Quick UV Unwrap to the Cola Mesh
24 - Setting up Materials - Creating the Cola Material
25 - Setting up Materials - Creating the Plastic Material for the Bottle Cap
26 - Setting up Materials - Taking a Look at the Finished Asset
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