项目7 在奇妙的设计师身上创造逼真的织物(Project 7 Creating Realistic Fabric in Marvelous Designer)

01 介绍(01 Intro)

02 在优秀设计师中建立TARP(02 Setting Up the Tarp in Marvelous Designer)

03 将TARP引入3DS Max(03 Bringing the tarp into 3DS Max)

04 修改TARP的拓扑结构3DS Max(04 Modifying the topology of the tarp in 3DS Max)

05 烘焙塔普地图3DS Max(05 Baking Tarp Maps In 3Ds Max)

06 TARP中UV的改性3DS Max(06 Modifying the UV"s of the tarp in 3DS Max)

07 调整油毡以适应板条箱(07 Adjusting the Tarp to Fit Over the Crate)

08 创建TARP部件的纹理映射1(08 Creating Texture Maps for the Tarp Part 1)

09 创建TARP部件的纹理映射2(09 Creating Texture Maps for the Tarp Part 2)

10 创建TARP部件的纹理映射3(10 Creating Texture Maps for the Tarp Part 3)

11 把塔普变成虚幻(11 Bringing the Tarp Into Unreal)

12 创建TARP的粗糙度图(12 Creating a Roughness Map for the Tarp)

13 为TARP创建详细地图(13 Creating a Detail Map for the Tarp)

14 不真实的调整TARP材料(14 Adjusting the Tarp Material in Unreal)

15 修改纹理以更好地在场景中工作(15 Modifying the Textures to Work Better in the Scene)

16 调整场景的灯光和表面属性(16 Adjusting the Scene"s Lighting and Surface Attributes)

17 精制油毡边缘(17 Refining the Tarp"s Edge)

18 修改场景照明和资产地图(18 Modifying Scene Lighting and Assets Maps)

19 板条箱发射纹理的再加工(19 Reworking the Crate"s Emissive Texture)

20 改装板条箱与现场照明调整(20 Integrating the Modified Crate and Adjusting the Scene"s Lighting)

21 截屏(21 Capturing a Screenshot)


  • 虚幻 : UE4
  • 文件总数:170
  • 4K
    36 人已学习
  • 收藏 举报
  • 爱给网提供海量的虚幻资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为m4v 格式的06 细分建模部分2(06 Subdivision Modeling Part 2), 本站编号36701057, 该虚幻素材大小为46m, 时长为05分 27秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为fadirra, 更多精彩虚幻素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 项目4 调谐纹理映射(Project 4 Tuning Texture Maps)
    项目7 在奇妙的设计师身上创造逼真的织物(Project 7 Creating Realistic Fabric in Marvelous Designer)
    项目8 创造一个可利用的地板资产(Project 8 Creating a Tileable Floor Asset)