
0.1 - 欢迎(0.1 - Welcome)

0.2 - 保持视觉记忆的重要性(0.2 - The importance of preserving our visual memories)

0.3 - 使用练习文件(0.3 - Using the exercise files)

1.1 - 扫描和位深度建议(1.1 - Scanning and bit depth advice)

1.2 - 摄影图像作为扫描的替代品(1.2 - Photographing images as an alternative to scanning)

1.3 - 在导入过程中利用相机生成器(1.3 - Leveraging Camera Raw during the import process)

1.4 - 使用摄像机原始色调调整(1.4 - Using Camera Raw for initial tonal adjustments)

1.5 - 开发版本控制策略(1.5 - Developing a versioning strategy)

1.6 - 使用PSD TIFF和PDF文件格式存档图像(1.6 - Archiving your images using the PSD TIFF and PDF file formats)

2.1 - 全局和局部校正色调和颜色(2.1 - Correcting tone and color globally and locally)

2.2 - 节约种植时间(2.2 - Saving time with cropping)

2.3 - 修复过程中有选择地锐化(2.3 - Sharpening selectively during restoration)

2.4 - 效率与构图的模糊选择(2.4 - Blurring selectively for efficiency and composition)

3.1 - 除尘防尘(3.1 - Removing dust and scratches)

3.2 - 固定撕开和折痕(3.2 - Fixing rips and creases)

3.3 - 修复丢失的零件或破损的角落(3.3 - Repairing missing pieces or torn corners)

3.4 - 污渍水害处理(3.4 - Dealing with stains and water damage)

3.5 - 找回丢失的细节(3.5 - Recovering lost detail)

4.1 - 创建和重新创建框架和边框(4.1 - Creating and re-creating frames and borders)

4.2 - 彩色照片(4.2 - Colorizing a photo)

4.3 - 使用内容感知量表调整图像比例(4.3 - Using Content-Aware Scale to adjust image proportions)

5.1 - 通过镜像重新创建缺失的片段(5.1 - Re-creating missing pieces by mirroring)

5.2 - 从同一照片中借用内容(5.2 - Borrowing content from within the same photo)

5.3 - 贬低现实主义形象(5.3 - Degrading the image for realism)

5.4 - 处理翘曲或缺失碎片(5.4 - Dealing with warping or missing fragments)

6.1 - 接下来的步骤(6.1 - Next steps)


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  • 文件总数:26
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    141 人已学习
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  • 爱给网提供海量的Photoshop资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mov 格式的2.4 - 效率与构图的模糊选择(2.4 - Blurring selectively for efficiency and composition), 本站编号35562049, 该Photoshop素材大小为8m, 时长为03分 22秒, 支持高清播放, 不同倍速播放 该素材已被下载:1次, 作者为jrssandoval, 更多精彩Photoshop素材,尽在爱给网。

  • PS解密训练之照片修复视频教程