强大的可视化开发工具 – Unity3D 2017 2.0p3
资源编号 : 64462421
文件体积 : 834m
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Unity 3D是一个非常强大的工具,可以让我们创建自己的可视化游戏,另外在互联网上我们可以找到大量的视频课程,这些课程明显有助于我们一步一步地执行所有必要的操作。



Android: Proguard is no longer enabled by default for gradle release builds.
Android: Release gradle builds now signed with a debug key instead of failing to build.
GI: Various lightmap seam stitching improvements for Progressive Lightmapper.
IL2CPP: Improved incremental build performance on OSX.
Playables: Updated the Playable API documentation.
Playables: Updated Playable.ConnectInput to take take an optional weight parameter.

(934841) – Android: Fixed android video player playback starting to lag after activating input field.
(931038) – Android: Fixed android video player stuttering and dropping frames.
(942625) – Android: Fixed symbols.zip not including symbols file.
(951350) – Collab: Fixed project manifest not being tracked in Collab.
(957525) – Editor: Fixed incorrect framing of GameObject hierarchies in Scene View.
(953301) – Editor: Fixed SceneView bounds calculations not taking multiple colliders and renderers into account when calculating the framing and centre – point.
(947024) – Editor: Fixed curve WrapModeIcon drawing when the Curve window is embedded into another window.
(943051) – Editor: Fixed Scene view picking sometimes not selecting the topmost object.
(961428 925381) – Editor: Fixed issue where performing a drag and drop operation to a GameObject that is being edited in the Preview window of Timeline would apply changes to its associated Prefab that cannot be reverted.
(935149) – GI: Fixed MaterialPropertyBlock values for Meta pass when using on terrain mesh with Realtime GI.
(929875) – GI: Fixed the UI in inspector not correctly showing light mode when multiple lights are selected.
(851817) – GI: Fixed crash when deleting Speedtree asset files from project folder when in use by prefab.
(930221) – GI: Fixed shadows when shadow prepare job is not run.

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