001 通过线性插值引入材料和混合(001 Introducing materials and blending through linear interpolate)
002 创建植物面罩和色彩调色(002 Creating vegetation masks and colour tinting)
003 山区交融创造开关(003 Blending in mountainous areas and creating switches)
004 创设极地开发面具(004 Creating the polar areas and developing masks)
005 设置云和控制平移(005 Setting up Clouds and controlling panning)
006 菲涅尔添加, 光向大气(006 Adding in Fresnel, Light Directions Atmosphere)
007 建立主材料和材料实例(007 Setting up Master Materials and Material Instances)
008 建立材料参数集合库(008 Setting up Material Parameter Collections Stores)
009 在材料中使用材料参数集合(009 Using Material Parameter Collections in Materials)
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