Vray材质,物体转换到虚幻引擎插件VrayToUnreal V5.7测试版+使用教程
资源编号 : 64373496
文件体积 : 108m
下载量 : 1
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Max Vray To Unreal Engine是max的脚本,可以将Vray渲染器的材质转换为虚幻引擎材质,包括几何体,将AO / GI / CustomShader烘焙到顶点颜色/ alpha或纹理,也可以将所有场景对象放置在虚幻中,就像在3ds max场景中一样。

Max Vray To Unreal Engine is a max script that can convert Vray renderer material to Unreal Engine material, including geometry, bake AO / GI / CustomShader to vertex color / alpha or texture, or place all scene objects in Unreal. , as in a 3ds max scene.

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3ds max Vray To Unreal Engine Tutorial【iiidea.cn】 ; 3ds max Vray To Unreal Engine V5.7【iiidea.cn】