01 - Introduction & Motivation
03 - Skull - Blocking In
04 - Skull Sculpting Workflow
05 - Q&A 1
06 - Q&A 2
01- Overview
02- Facial Muscles
03- Building the Tissue
04- Primary & Secondary Forms
05- Zbrush Eyes & Ears
06- Maya Eyes
07- Q&A1
08- Q&A2
02- Gathering References
03- Skin Analysis
04- Eye Detailing
05- Wrinkles and Pores
06- Sculpting Wrinkled
07- Q&A
02- Anatomy Reference
03- Arm Anatomy
04- Leg Anatomy
05- Head_Neck
06- Sculpting Body1
07- Sculpting Body2
08- ZSphereHand
09-Sculpting Technique
02- Topology
03- Transpose
04- ZSphereRigging
05- Solhouette &Scaling
06- MayaRigging
02- Story Telling
03- Body Expression
04- Composition Techniques
05- Facial Asymmetry
06- FineDetails
02- ZbrushPolyPaint
03- UV Mapping
04- Exporting Maps
06- Q&A
02- Lighting Concepts
03-Vray Studio Lighting Setup
04-Physical Camera & GI
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