- 无人机交付仓库门打开等待无人机从运输仓库起飞
- 戴着帽子、披着飘动斗篷、手持魔法书和魔杖的妇女的剪影亚马逊户外景观
- Indian from the Pataxó tribe, run through the forest. Brazilian Indian. 4K.
- 挖掘机重型机器移动手臂从森林地面上抓取大量树木
- Shaman of the Pataxó tribe, wearing feather headdress and smoking a pipe. Brazilian Indian. 4K.
- Indian from the Pataxó tribe, walking through the forest. Brazilian Indian. 4K.
- Leg view from Pataxó Indian, run through the forest. Brazilian Indian. 4K.
- Indian from the Pataxó tribe, walking through the forest. Brazilian Indian. 4K.