低嗡嗡声持续低噪音】.022下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
扭曲的机械怪物.032下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
实验室机器旋转电机发出咔嗒声.020下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
血泵机节奏ISS.004下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
实验室机器冒泡.014下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
巨型机械怪兽国际空间站.041下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
实验室机器马达有节奏的咔哒声.016下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
强烈的金属碰撞低氛围ISS.033下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
机械节奏的滴答声.025下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
实验室机器音调穆迪运行结束ISS.019下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
低机械怪物ISS.023下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
机器有节奏的空气释放.028下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
机器发出有节奏的尖叫声.030下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
机器收起ISS.031下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
巨大的往复发动机有节奏的撞击声.037下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
机械生物表达ISS.009下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
不平衡机节奏ISS.029下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
不祥的锅炉房.005下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
珀考拉怪诞的咕噜声.035下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
打桩机节奏强劲.036下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
慢泵低节奏机器ISS.027下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
稳定的污水泵运行嗡嗡声_01_国际空间站.039下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
稳定的污水泵运行嗡嗡声_02_国际空间站.040下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
野生表达炉.042下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
锅炉房低重击金属ISS.006下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
链锯表达_01_国际空间站.007下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
链锯表达_02_国际空间站.008下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
密集工厂轰鸣国际空间站.001下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
轮渡蒸汽泵怪兽国际空间站.011下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
阴郁有节奏的工厂.010下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
Gurgly Percolator国际空间站.034下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
重金属表达.003下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
重节奏锅炉房.024下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
嘶嘶声气泵.012下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
嘶嘶声金属阀.013下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
空心存在振铃管ISS.002下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
实验室机器低电机ISS.015下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
实验室机器有节奏地点击ISS.017下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
实验室机器有节奏的低点击关闭ISS.018下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)
实验室机器节奏转子ISS.026下载 收藏09 / 工业声音与Soul WAV(Industrial Sounds with Soul WAV) / 工业声音与灵魂(Industrial Sounds with Soul)