02Abstract Sound Design 抽象氛围效果音效
03Atmosfear 悬念紧张恐惧氛围音效
01100 Kick Drums 电子乐底鼓采样
14Percussive Elements 打击元素采样
05Data Disruption 设备故障数据中断音效
11Midnite Trap Bells 编曲采样素材
24User Interface 互动音频元素用户界面音效
17Pub Foley 酒吧酒杯设备音效
25Whooshes & Transitions 电影游戏呼啸过渡音效
26Zombie 僵尸丧尸音效
18Retro Video Game FX 8BIT游戏音效
15Prepared Zither 民族齐特琴采样
13Paranormal 影视恐怖绝望怪异音效
09High Frequency Feedback Loops 高频反馈噪声采样
19Scene Switch Transitions and Textures 场景切换过渡音效
16Process Malfunction 科学计算机故障音效
06Drones 科幻氛围FX音效
04Bass Weight Low End Elements 故障低音FX采样
22Synthwave Bass, Leads & Pads 编曲采样素材
10Impact 冲击碰撞音效
20Signal Interference 嗡鸣爆裂机械故障音效
23Trap Melody and Atmos Kit 编曲采样素材
07Feedback Loop FX and Atmospheres 嗡鸣故障恐怖氛围音效
08Glitch and Pieces 科技数据处理音效
21Swathes 编曲采样素材
12Noise Elements Electrical and Interference 恐怖干扰噪音音效
27Scare Tactics 恐怖场景氛围过渡音效
01100 Kick Drums 电子乐底鼓采样