中等的观众: 十的倒数, "新年快乐!" 掌声与喝彩下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
中等的观众: "新年快乐!" 掌声与喝彩下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
small studio audience: [1](3s):preschool children: "surprise!";[2](4s):gradeschool children: "surprise!";[3](5s):gradeschool children: "surprise!";[4](3s):gradeschool children: "surprise!";[5](4s):gradeschool children: "surprise!"下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 儿童(children)
small studio audience: gradeschool children: building excitement [1](7s):bursting into cheering;[2](5s):turning into disappointed reaction下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 儿童(children)
中等的观众: 欢呼[1](6s);[2](7s);[3](8s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
中等的观众: 大喊与鼓励的呼喊声欢呼[1](20s);[2](18s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
小观众: 本子的孩子: 欢呼[1](9s);[2](9s);[3](9s);[4](12s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 儿童(children)
small studio audience: male: countdown from ten, "happy new [1](13s):year!";[2](22s):year!" and cheer下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
中等的观众: 喧闹欢呼并大声与一些掌声和脚跺着脚下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
中等的观众: 喧闹的欢呼,大喊[1](12s);[2](13s);[3](25s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
中等的观众: 高呼走走走!", 加快建设贞-1下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
小观众: 女性: 欢呼[1](9s);[2](9s);[3](9s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
小观众: 本子的孩子: 欢呼[1](6s);[2](8s);[3](7s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 儿童(children)
小观众: 男性: 欢呼和口哨声[1](9s);[2](12s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
中等的观众: 女性: 欢呼[1](8s);[2](12s);[3](13s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
小观众: 欢呼[1](8s);[2](15s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
中等的观众: 欢呼和口哨声[1](17s);[2](19s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
medium studio audience: [1](3s):"geronimo!";[2](3s):"surprise!"下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
中等的观众: 欢呼[1](8s);[2](13s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
小观众: 女性: 欢呼[1](9s);[2](14s);[3](16s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
small studio audience: female: [1](2s):"surprise!";[2](2s):"surprise!";[3](8s):"hip hip hooray!", three times下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
中等的观众: 欢呼[1](21s);[2](35s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
中等的观众: 欢呼 " 是的"[1](6s);[2](9s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
中等的观众: 男性: 欢呼[1](9s);[2](9s);[3](9s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
中等的观众: 女性: 欢呼的粗暴和 hollaring[1](19s);[2](19s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
小观众: 男性: 欢呼[1](17s);[2](17s);[3](17s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
中等的观众: 男性: 欢呼的粗暴和 hollaring[1](22s);[2](21s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
small studio audience: female: countdown from ten, "happy new [1](13s):year!";[2](20s):year!", and cheer下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
small studio audience: gradeschool children: cheer "hip hip [1](6s):hooray!", three times;[2](3s):hooray!"下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 儿童(children)
中等的观众: 男性: 欢呼[1](12s);[2](13s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
中等的观众: 高呼走走走!", 加快建设贞下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
小观众: 欢呼[1](6s);[2](6s);[3](6s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
中等的观众: 欢呼和口哨声[1](11s);[2](16s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
small studio audience: gradeschool children: chant [1](5s):"de-fence!";[2](12s):"de-fence!", with claps下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 儿童(children)
中等的观众: 欢呼和口哨声[1](17s);[2](24s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
中等的观众: 女性: 欢呼[1](15s);[2](17s);[3](19s)下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
small studio audience: male: [1](2s):"surprise!";[2](2s):"surprise!";[3](6s):"hip hip hooray!", three times;[4](5s):"hip hip hooray!", three times with solo caller下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
small studio audience: male: [1](8s):cheering;[2](9s):cheering;[3](9s):rowdy cheering;[4](10s):rowdy cheering;[5](11s):rowdy cheering下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)
small studio audience: gradeschool children: [1](2s):"charge!";[2](9s):chant "go team go!";[3](2s):"go team go!";[4](10s):chant "go team go!";[5](11s):chant "go team go!"下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 儿童(children)
medium studio audience: "hip hip hooray!", three [1](7s):times;[2](7s):times with solo caller下载 收藏欢呼(cheering) / 人群(crowd)