划火柴[1](1s);[2](1s);[3](1s);[4](1s);[5](1s)下载 收藏其他
翻阅杂志, 翻页下载 收藏其他
电动跑步机: 打开, 在跑步机上慢跑, 关闭下载 收藏其他
干枯的落叶: 风中的短小乐章[1](3s);[2](4s);[3](7s);[4](10s)下载 收藏其他
大型金属挂锁: 删除和替换在更衣室的门上[1](5s);[2](7s);[3](5s)下载 收藏其他
短的炮塔转向, 马达发出呜呜声和金属齿轮摇铃[1](3s);[2](3s);[3](4s)下载 收藏其他
幻灯片投影仪风机和电机空闲下载 收藏其他
增加在球场的抱怨嗡嗡声下载 收藏其他
医院病床: 折叠起来的腿下载 收藏其他
[1](5s):table tennis ball bounce on table and come to rest;[2](1s):table tennis ball roll off table onto grass;[3](1s):table tennis ball hit arm;[4](8s):plastic shuffling movement下载 收藏其他
[1](1s):toss pen or pencil into holder;[2](19s):colour or shade with drawing pencil;[3](1s):rub pencil in hand;[4](2s):rub pencil in hand下载 收藏其他
[1](2s):scratchy grab on rope;[2](3s):rope grip and grind, creaky strain;[3](7s):slow rope stress creaks下载 收藏其他
quick [1](1s):snip;[2](1s):cut;[3](1s):clip;[4](1s):clip下载 收藏其他
[1](2s):large metal bolt scrape;[2](1s):thick metal latch click;[3](1s):metal latch click;[4](1s):metal latch click;[5](1s):short metal latch rattle and clank;[6](2s):metal latch buckle click;[7](1s):metal latch buckle slide;[8](1s):metal latch buckle snap下载 收藏其他
[1](1s):short handcuff rattle;[2](3s):handcuff tightening ratchet;[3](3s):short handcuff rattle;[4](3s):short handcuff rattle;[5](5s):fasten handcuffs quickly, metal rattles;[6](7s):remove handcuffs, metal rattles下载 收藏其他
lighter [1](1s):flick;[2](1s):flick;[3](1s):flick;[4](2s):flick, three times;[5](1s):flick, short gas hiss;[6](1s):flick下载 收藏其他
[1](7s):wet steam hiss and sizzle;[2](14s):stir ice water in plastic pitcher;[3](32s):baby stroller rolling on pavement下载 收藏其他
[1](12s):scoop sand and sprinkle;[2](2s):scoop sand into sifter;[3](5s):shake sand in sifter;[4](5s):shake sand in sifter;[5](6s):shake sand in sifter下载 收藏其他
[1](3s):close umbrella quickly;[2](8s):deposit coins, remove bottle下载 收藏其他
[1](1s):small metal ratchety lever: pull;[2](1s):small metal ratchety lever: pull;[3](1s):metal lever: squeaky pull;[4](2s):metal lever: rattly pull下载 收藏其他
[1](1s):very short cloth tear;[2](1s):short cloth tear;[3](1s):fast cloth tear;[4](3s):two fast cloth tears;[5](1s):thick cloth tear下载 收藏其他
small wall safe: [1](1s):door close;[2](1s):latch move;[3](2s):sharp latch move;[4](3s):spin dial, tumblers click;[5](3s):turn dial, clunky下载 收藏其他
[1](3s):stab into flesh, blood dripping;[2](3s):stab into flesh, blood squishing;[3](3s):hard stab into flesh and twist;[4](5s):stab into flesh and cut;[5](2s):stab into flesh, bone crack;[6](3s):stab into flesh, bone crack;[7](12s):large claws stab into flesh and rip;[8](24s):stab into flesh slowly with sword下载 收藏其他
indoor diving board: [1](5s):jump and rattle;[2](6s):jump and rattle;[3](6s):jump and rattle;[4](6s):jump and rattle;[5](2s):jump and rattle;[6](1s):single hit下载 收藏其他
[1](3s):golf ball bounce on dirt and roll;[2](3s):golf ball bounce in grass and roll;[3](16s):scooping golf balls in metal basket;[4](16s):scooping golf balls in metal basket;[5](1s):light scuff on dirt with golf club下载 收藏其他
circular saw: start, [1](5s):stop, very short cut;[2](7s):cut wood, stop;[3](8s):cut wood, stop;[4](10s):cut wood, stop下载 收藏其他
large wood table [1](2s):slide and creak;[2](4s):slide and creak;[3](4s):hit and creak下载 收藏其他