01 - 介绍和项目概述(01 - Introduction and project overview)
02 - HumanIK 是什么(02 - What is HumanIK)
03 - 骨架发电机窗口概述(03 - Overview of the Skeleton Generator window)
04 - 看着使用你自己的骨架的要求(04 - Looking at the requirements for using your own skeleton)
05 - 海康和额外接头处理所需的节点(05 - Required nodes for HIK and dealing with extra joints)
06 - 表征窗口与缺省的骨架(06 - Characterization window with the default skeleton)
07 - 我们自定义的骨架与表征窗口(07 - Characterization window with our custom skeleton)
08 - 创建控制钻机和键控组(08 - Creating a control rig and keying groups)
09 - 钉住, 到达和键控组(09 - Pinning, reach and keying groups)
10 - 看着海康钻机选项(10 - Looking at the HIK rig options)
11 - 如何创建辅助效应器(11 - How to create auxiliary effectors)
12 - 如何创建支点效应器(12 - How to create pivots effectors)
13 - 准备重定向(13 - Preparing for retargeting)
14 - 重定向的工作流(14 - Workflow for retargeting)
15 - 烘烤 mocap 的最佳做法(15 - Best practices for baking mocap)
16 - 调整动作捕捉数据使用 HumanIK 钻机(16 - Tweaking mocap data using the HumanIK rig)
17 - 使用重定目标的数据构成动画(17 - Using retargeted data to pose animation)
18 - 使用框架生成器的梅尔(18 - Using MEL with the Skeleton Generator)
19 - 与表征工具一起使用梅尔(19 - Using MEL with the Characterization Tool)
20 - 使用 人物 控件窗口的梅尔(20 - Using MEL with the Character Controls window)