原文: ABSynth 5
001 欢迎(001 Welcome)
002 基本单元(002 ABSYNTH basics)
003 浏览器和属性窗口(003 Browser and Attributes window)
004 振荡器与波形(004 Oscillators and waveforms)
005 筛选器, 多器官功能障碍, 波表(005 Filters, mods, and waveshapers)
006 信封和LF操作系统(006 Envelopes and LFOs)
007 效果+ FX插件(007 Effects + ABSYNTH FX plugin)
008 自动化和性能窗口(008 Automation and Performance window)
009 接下来的步骤(009 Next steps)