01 - 课程概述(01 - The Course Overview)
02 - Getting Started – Unity and Projects
03 - 项目和项目文件夹(03 - Projects and Project Folders)
04 - 导入资源(04 - Importing Assets)
05 - 启动一级(05 - Starting a Level)
06 - 变换与导航(06 - Transformations and Navigation)
07 - 场景构建(07 - Scene Building)
08 - 灯光与天空(08 - Lighting and Sky)
09 - 游戏测试和游戏选项卡(09 - Play Testing and the Game Tab)
10 - 加水面(10 - Adding a Water Plane)
11 - 加币收集(11 - Adding a Coin to Collect)
12 - 铸造硬币材料(12 - Creating a Coin Material)
13 - C# 统一脚本(13 - C# Scripting in Unity)
14 - 点数硬币(14 - Counting Coins)
15 - 收集硬币(15 - Collecting Coins)
16 - 硬币与Prefabs(16 - Coins and Prefabs)
17 - 计时器和倒计时(17 - Timers and Countdowns)
18 - 庆典和烟花!(18 - Celebrations and Fireworks!)
19 - 游戏测试(19 - Play Testing)
20 - 建立游戏(20 - Building the Game)
21 - 从太空射手开始(21 - Getting Started with a Space Shooter)
22 - 创建播放器对象(22 - Creating a Player Object)
23 - 玩家输入(23 - Player Input)
24 - 配置游戏摄像机(24 - Configuring the Game Camera)
25 - 边界锁定(25 - Bounds Locking)
26 - 健康(26 - Health)
27 - 死亡与粒子(27 - Death and Particles)
28 - 敌人(28 - Enemies)
29 - 敌人产卵(29 - Enemy Spawning)
30 - 枪炮炮塔(30 - Guns and Gun Turrets)
31 - 弹药预制件(31 - Ammo Prefabs)
32 - 弹药产卵(32 - Ammo Spawning)
33 - 用户控件(33 - User Controls)
34 - Scores and Scoring – UI and Text Objects
35 - Working with Scores – Scripting with Text
36 - 抛光太空游戏(36 - Polishing the Space Game)
37 - 测试诊断(37 - Testing and Diagnosis)
38 - 建筑空间游戏(38 - Building - Space Game)
39 - A 2D Adventure – Getting Started
40 - 导入资源(40 - Importing Assets)
41 - Creating an Environment – Getting Started
42 - 环境物理学(42 - Environment Physics)
43 - 创建玩家(43 - Creating a Player)
44 - 脚本播放动作(44 - Scripting the Player Movement)
45 - 优化播放器(45 - Optimization the Player)
46 - 移动平台(46 - Moving Platforms)
47 - Creating Other Scenes – Levels 2 and 3
48 - 杀伤区(48 - Kill Zones)
49 - UI健康栏(49 - The UI Health Bar)
50 - 弹药和危险品(50 - Ammo and Hazards)
51 - 炮塔弹药(51 - Gun Turrets and Ammo)
52 - NP CS与任务(52 - NPCs and Quests)
53 - 入门(53 - Getting Started)
54 - 地形构造(54 - Terrain Construction)
55 - 导航与导航网格(55 - Navigation and Navigation Meshes)
56 - 创建一个@(56 - Building an NPC)
57 - 创建巡逻NPCS(57 - Creating Patrolling NPCs)
58 - Enemy AI – Range of Sight
59 - 有限状态机综述(59 - An Overview of Finite-State Machines)
60 - 巡逻状态(60 - The Patrol State)
61 - 追逐状态(61 - The Chase State)
62 - 进攻状态(62 - The Attack State)
爱给网提供海量的Unity3D资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的12 - 铸造硬币材料(12 - Creating a Coin Material), 本站编号36658317, 该Unity3D素材大小为23m, 时长为06分 23秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 该素材已被下载:1次, 作者为univeria zekt, 更多精彩Unity3D素材,尽在爱给网。