
  • 其他软件教程 : Toon Boom Harmony
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  • 爱给网提供海量的其他软件教程资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的14_发射器的混合模式(14_Emitter_blend_modes), 本站编号31881643, 该其他软件教程素材大小为34m, 时长为06分 55秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为13F_Panska_Petruzelova_Anna, 更多精彩其他软件教程素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    译文: 通过更好了解如何可以生成、 呈现,并在和谐,影响颗粒你 ' 将能够创建你自己的粒子入水。我们 ' ll 开始学习如何通过引入到网络视图我们模块库中某些重要关键粒子模块构建一个基本的粒子系统的基础。从这里我们 ' ll 了解一些基本的功能的雪碧发射器才能看到我们如何可以生成使用一些简单的例子为我们精灵而创建的粒子。之后这我们 ' 将讨论一些常见的行动模块,您可能会发现自己使用时构建各种粒子系统。一路上我们 ' 还将了解如何定义我们的粒子 ' s 地区的影响和控制的大小和颜色我们的颗粒在他们的年龄。后此我们 ' 我会花一些时间设计精灵为我们自己火粒子系统和探索如何我们可以更有效地构建这一制度。最后,我们 ' 通过将我们的火焰附加到火炬,通过设置适当的层次结构安排在我们网络视图中完成。 原文: By gaining a good understanding of how particles can be generated, rendered, and affected in Harmony, you'll be able to dive in with creating your own particles.We'll begin by learning how to construct the foundation of a basic particle system by bringing in some important key particle modules from our module library into the network view. From here we'll learn about some basic functions of the sprite-emitter to see how we can generate particles using some simple examples for our sprites. Following this we'll cover some common action modules that you might find yourself using when constructing various particle systems. Along the way we'll also learn how to define our particle's region of influence and control the size and color of our particles over their age. After this we'll spend some time designing sprites for our own fire particle system and explore how we can effectively construct this system. Finally, we'll finish by attaching our flames to a torch by setting up a proper hierarchy arrangement in our network view.