01 - 课程概述(01 - Course Overview)

02 - 创建并导入自顶向下的布局(02 - Create and Import a Top-down Layout)

03 - 使用统一原语构建布局(03 - Build Layout with Unity Primitives)

04 - 创建表示交互的预制件, 收藏品, 敌人(04 - Create Prefabs Representing Interactions, Collectables, and Enemies)

05 - 在Whitebox中放置预制件(05 - Place Prefabs in the Whitebox)

06 - 带默认FPS控制器的起搏标度和迭代测试(06 - Test with Default FPS Controller for Pacing_Scaling and Iterate)

07 - 导入模型与纹理(07 - Importing Models and Textures)

08 - 用艺术取代Whitebox(08 - Replacing Whitebox with Art)

09 - 创造粒子效应和照明(09 - Creating Particle Effects and Lighting)

10 - 音频输入与连接(10 - Importing and Linking Audio)

11 - 设计一个@(11 - Designing a Character Controller)

12 - 用导航网移动(12 - Character Movement with Navmesh)

13 - 用户输入(13 - User Input)

14 - 用户输入控制器支持(14 - User Input Controller Support)

15 - 简单远程攻击(15 - Simple Ranged Attack)

16 - 选择有意义的交互(16 - Choosing Meaningful Interactions)

17 - 可收集对象(17 - Collectable Objects)

18 - 敌人掉下赃物(18 - Enemies Drop Loot)

19 - 钥匙与锁(19 - Key and Lock)

20 - 达到水平的尽头(20 - Reach the End of the Level)

21 - 设计UI(21 - Designing the UI)

22 - 启动屏幕(22 - Start Screen)

23 - 平视显示器(23 - Heads up Display)

24 - 输赢屏幕(24 - Win and Lose Screens)

25 - 期末复习(25 - Final Review)


  • Unity3D : Unity3D
  • 文件总数:25
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    100 人已学习
  • 收藏 举报
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