01 - 国家实例1 - 电灯开关(01 - States Example 1 - Light Switch)
02 - 国家实例2 - 打开和关闭(02 - States Example 2 - Open and Close)
03 - 触发器(03 - Triggers)
04 - 变量介绍(04 - Introduction to Variables)
05 - 易碎物体(05 - Breakable Objects)
06 - 平台颜色变化(06 - Platform Color Change)
07 - 全局变量, 事件与管理者-健康拾音器(07 - Global Variables, Events and Managers - Health Pickup)
08 - 我和吐温(08 - Playmaker and iTween)
09 - 弹出式管理器(09 - Pop Up Manager)
10 - 平台拼图胸围游戏(10 - Platform Puzzle Chest Opening Game)
11 - 访问控制点击和任务(11 - Access Control Clicking and Quests)
12 - 将脚本连接到游戏机(12 - Connecting Scripts to Playmaker)
00 - 游戏设计与游戏(00 - Introduction to Game Design with Playmaker and Unity)
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