1. 系列介绍(1. Series Introduction)
2. 为项目设置文件结构并启动文件(2. Set up file structure and start file for the project)
3. 创造足球目标(3. Creating the Soccer Goal)
4. 创建对比文本(4. Creating the Versus Text)
5. 创建团队映像占位符容器(5. Creating the Team Image Placeholder Container)
6. 现场动画的制作与动画制作(6. Prepping and Animating Scene Assets)
7. 为现场设置灯光和材料(7. Set Up Lights and Materials for the Scene)
8. 用变形相机设置相机动画(8. Setup Camera Animation with the Morph Camera)
9. 设置渲染设置以导出到后效果(9. Set Up Render Settings to export to After Effects)
10. 将资产导入后效应和组合设置(10. Importing assets to After Effects and Compotition Setup)
11. 设置墙面元素以进一步装扮场景(11. Set Up Wall Elements to Further Dress up Scene)
12. 完成运动模板的最终外观(12. Complete the Final Look of the Sports Template)
13. 创建自定义控件更改模板的配色方案(13. Create Custom Controls to change color schemes of Template)
14. 标签和组织项目面板和组成(14. Label and organize Project Panel and Compositions)
0201_看电影4D概述(0201_Cinema 4D Overview)
0202_创建和操纵飞机(0202_Create and Manipulate a Plane)
0203_加色(0203_Adding Colour)
0204_创建和操作一个3D 对象(0204_Create and Manipulate a 3D Object)
0301_加光(0301_Adding Light)
0303_创建背景(0303_Create the Background)
0304_创建不同的背景(0304_Create Variant Backgrounds)
01 扳手设置(01 Spanner Setup)
02 扳手漆(02 Spanner Paint)
03 管扳手安装A部分(03 Pipe Wrench Setup Part A)
04 管扳手设置B部分(04 Pipe Wrench Setup Part B)
05 管扳手设置C部分(05 Pipe Wrench Setup Part C)
06 管扳手漆A部分(06 Pipe Wrench Paint Part A)
07 管扳手漆B部分(07 Pipe Wrench Paint Part B)
08 管子扳手漆(08 Pipe Wrench Paint Part C)
09 C4三维材料(09 C4D Materials)
01 - 课程概述-课程概述(01 - Course Overview - Course Overview)
02 - 设置初始照明和相机-准备纹理(02 - Setting up Initial Lighting and Cameras - Preparing for Texturing)
03 - 设置初始照明和摄像机-设置场景摄像机(03 - Setting up Initial Lighting and Cameras - Setting the Scene Camera)
04 - 设置初始照明和相机-创建灯光(04 - Setting up Initial Lighting and Cameras - Creating Lights)
05 - 设置初始照明和摄像机-向场景添加触摸(05 - Setting up Initial Lighting and Cameras - Adding Touches to the Scene)
06 - 地板铺装模型——地板铺装造型(06 - Modeling the Floor Planks - Modeling the Floor Planks)
07 - 地板铺装建模-地板纹理的制作(07 - Modeling the Floor Planks - Preparing the Floor Texture)
08 - 地板铺装模型-地板纹理化(08 - Modeling the Floor Planks - Texturing the Floor)
09 - 地板铺装模型——地板纹理的细化(09 - Modeling the Floor Planks - Refining the Floor Texture)
10 - 装饰房间-纹理建筑元素(10 - Texturing the Room - Texturing the Architectural Elements)
11 - 装饰房间-整理建筑纹理(11 - Texturing the Room - Finishing the Architectural Texturing)
12 - 纹理表-映射木材纹理到一个侧表(12 - Texturing the Tables - Mapping a Wood Texture to a Side Table)
13 - 纹理桌面-提炼木材和金属材料(13 - Texturing the Tables - Refining the Wood and Metal Materials)
14 - 织构织物-展开毯子(14 - Texturing the Fabrics - Unwrapping the Blanket)
15 - 织构织物-织毯(15 - Texturing the Fabrics - Texturing the Blanket)
16 - 沙发的变形——沙发的变形(16 - Texturing the Sofa - Texturing the Sofa)
17 - 整理沙发-展开垫子(17 - Texturing the Sofa - Unwrapping the Cushion)
18 - 贴花沙发——贴身坐垫(18 - Texturing the Sofa - Texturing the Cushion)
19 - 装饰沙发-装饰窗帘和地毯(19 - Texturing the Sofa - Texturing the Curtains and Rug)
20 - 纹理胸部-展开胸部(20 - Texturing the Chest - Unwrapping the Chest)
21 - 纹理胸部-解开更多的胸部(21 - Texturing the Chest - Unwrapping More of the Chest)
22 - 纹理胸部-纹理胸部(22 - Texturing the Chest - Texturing the Chest)
23 - 胸部塑形胸部(23 - Texturing the Chest - Finishing the Chest)
24 - 贴花配件-贴图小配件(24 - Texturing the Accessories - Texturing Smaller Accessories)
25 - 织构附件-展开和变形书籍(25 - Texturing the Accessories - Unwrapping and Texturing the Books)
26 - 织构配件-创建铬材料(26 - Texturing the Accessories - Creating a Chrome Material)
27 - 整理配件-整理配件(27 - Texturing the Accessories - Finishing the Accessories)
28 - 调整和设置最终渲染-分析测试渲染(28 - Making Adjustments and Setting up the Final Render - Analyzing the Test Render)
29 - 调整和设置最终渲染调整和添加环境遮挡(29 - Making Adjustments and Setting up the Final Render - Tweaks and Adding Ambient Occlusion)
30 - 调整和设置最终渲染-继续调整场景(30 - Making Adjustments and Setting up the Final Render - Continuing to Tweak the Scene)
31 - 调整和设置最终渲染-排除光和更高渲染设置(31 - Making Adjustments and Setting up the Final Render - Excluding Light and Higher Render Settings)
32 - 调整和设置最后的渲染-添加折痕沙发(32 - Making Adjustments and Setting up the Final Render - Adding Creases to the Sofa)
33 - 调整和设置最终渲染-最终改变场景(33 - Making Adjustments and Setting up the Final Render - Final Changes to the Scene)
34 - 将渲染转移到PS图象处理软件中进行最终的编辑-最终渲染设置(34 - Transferring the Render into Photoshop for the Final Edit - Final Render Settings)
35 - 将渲染转移到PS图象处理软件中进行最终编辑-设置多通道(35 - Transferring the Render into Photoshop for the Final Edit - Setting up Multipass)
36 - 转移渲染到PS图象处理软件的最终编辑-工作通过渲染通行证(36 - Transferring the Render into Photoshop for the Final Edit - Working Through the Render Passes)
37 - 将渲染转移到PS图象处理软件中,以便对原始渲染进行最终的编辑调整。(37 - Transferring the Render into Photoshop for the Final Edit - Making Adjustments to the Raw Render)
38 - 将渲染转移到PS图象处理软件中以进行最终图像的编辑调整(38 - Transferring the Render into Photoshop for the Final Edit - Making Adjustments to the Final Image)
1- 系列概述(1- Series Overview)
2- 信件钻机概述和主要搬运工设置(2- Letter Rigs Overview and Main Movers Setup)
3- 弯折变形机的安装(3- Setting Up Bend and Twist Deformers)
4- 设置壁球和Stretch Deformer(4- Setting Up the Squash and Stretch Deformer)
5- 加强壁式伸缩控制器(5- Enhancing the Squash and Stretch Controller)
6- 添加倾斜控件(6- Adding Tilt Controls)
7- 最后确定钻机(7- Finalizing the Letter Rig)
8- 将钻机应用于其他字母, 部分1(8- Applying the Rig to the Other Letters, Part 1)
9- 将钻机应用于其他字母, 部分2(9- Applying the Rig to the Other Letters, Part 2)
01 - 课程概述(01 - Course Overview)
02 - 样条的解剖(02 - The Anatomy of Splines)
03 - 样条类型(03 - Spline Types)
04 - 中间点(04 - Intermediate Points)
05 - 糖果包装模型(05 - Modeling a Candy Wrapper)
06 - 样条对象概述(06 - Spline Objects Overview)
07 - 创建一个车轮(07 - Creating a Cartwheel)
08 - 向车轮增加细节(08 - Adding Detail to the Cartwheel)
09 - 向车轮添加材料和照明(09 - Adding Materials and Lighting to the Cartwheel)
10 - 项目简介(10 - Introduction to the Project)
11 - 创建参考平面(11 - Creating a Reference Plane)
12 - 利用车床对象建模连接器(12 - Modeling the Connector with the Lathe Object)
13 - 用扫掠物体模拟钨(13 - Modeling the Tungsten with the Sweep Object)
14 - 线程建模(14 - Modeling the Thread)
15 - 玻璃灯泡的建模与织构(15 - Modeling and Texturing the Glass Bulb)
16 - 在灯笼上点燃灯泡(16 - Lighting the Lightbulb on a Limbo)
17 - 使用车床对象(17 - Using the Lathe Object)
18 - 使用挤压物体(18 - Using the Extrude Object)
19 - 使用LOFT对象和横断面工具(19 - Using the Loft Object and Cross Section Tool)
20 - 使用扫描对象(20 - Using the Sweep Object)
21 - 建模钥匙链-浮子(21 - Modeling a Keychain - the Floater)
22 - 建模钥匙链-钥匙环(22 - Modeling a Keychain - the Keyring)
23 - 建模钥匙链-钥匙(23 - Modeling a Keychain - the Key)
24 - 使用样条掩码对象(24 - Using the Spline Mask Object)
25 - 使用Connect对象(25 - Using the Connect Object)
26 - 使用元语言(26 - Using the Metaball)
27 - 创建具有连接对象的计算器(27 - Creating a Calculator with Connect Objects)
28 - 手建模(28 - Modeling Hands)
29 - 闹钟本体建模(29 - Modeling the Alarm Clock Body)
30 - 动动双手(30 - Animating the Hands)
31 - 静脉建模(31 - Modeling the Vein)
32 - 建立血细胞(32 - Setting up the Bloodcells)
33 - 对相机进行动画处理(33 - Animating the Camera)
34 - 建立动力学(34 - Setting up the Dynamics)
35 - 材料与照明(35 - Materials and Lighting)
36 - 鬼魂模型(36 - Modeling the Ghost)
37 - 点层次变形(37 - Point Level Morphing)
38 - 动画纹理(38 - Animating the Textures)
01 - 课程概述(01 - Course Overview)
02 - 理解渲染过程(02 - Understanding the Rendering Process)
03 - 了解光线(03 - Understanding Rays)
04 - 渲染优化(04 - Render Optimizations)
05 - 视口渲染(05 - Viewport Rendering)
06 - 渲染区域工具(06 - Render Region Tool)
07 - 交互式渲染区域工具(07 - Interactive Render Region Tool)
08 - 渲染活动对象工具(08 - Render Active Objects Tool)
09 - 向图片浏览器渲染(09 - Rendering to the Picture Viewer)
10 - A比较(10 - A_B Compare)
11 - 图片浏览器中的区域渲染(11 - Region Rendering in Picture Viewer)
12 - 图像阅读器的基本颜色校正(12 - Basic Color Correction in Picture Viewer)
13 - 标准渲染器(13 - Standard Renderer)
14 - 物理渲染器(14 - Physical Renderer)
15 - 全局光照(15 - Global Illumination)
16 - 全局照明设置(16 - Global Illumination Settings)
17 - 选项(17 - Options)
18 - 动画基础(18 - Animation Basics)
19 - 渲染动画(19 - Rendering an Animation)
20 - 用全局光照绘制动画(20 - Rendering an Animation with Global Illumination)
21 - 制作预览(21 - Make Preview)
22 - 渲染预置(22 - Render Presets)
23 - 合成标签(23 - Compositing Tag)
24 - 多遍渲染(24 - Multi-pass Rendering)
25 - 8 位和32 位图像(25 - 8 Bit and 32 Bit Images)
26 - 渲染队列(26 - Render Queue)
27 - 景深的(27 - Depth of Field)
28 - 运动模糊(28 - Motion Blur)
1- 系列概述(1- Series Overview)
2- 项目文件设置(2- Project File Setup)
3- 拦网射门(3- Blocking Out Shot One)
4- 一次变形凸轮(4- Shot One Morph Cam)
5- 阻挡射击二(5- Blocking Out Shot Two)
6- 用时间执行器和相机变形标签动画两个镜头(6- Animating Shot Two With Time Effector and Camera Morph Tag)
7- 建模三资产(7- Modeling Shot Three Assets)
8- 摆姿势三(8- Pose Morph for Shot Three)
9- 动画镜头四(9- Animating Shot Four)
10- 向镜头四添加细节(10- Adding Detail to Shot Four)
11- 建筑射击五(11- Building Shot Five)
12- 标志元素的构建(12- Building the Logo Element)
13- 动画拍摄五的主摄像头(13- Animate Shot Five"s Main Camera)
14- 动画徽标胶囊(14- Animating the Logo capsule)
15- 最后一击五(15- Finishing Shot Five)
16- 首映式剪辑(16- Editing in premiere)
旅行灰作业(Journey-Ash"s Homework)
艾熙之旅(Journey-Ash"s Journey)
彼得的家庭作业(Journey-Peter"s Homework)
彼得之旅(Journey-Peter"s Journey)
档案十一月18 2016(Archive-November 18 2016)
档案十月20 2016(Archive-October 20 2016)
指导介绍-1-遇见Michael Rigley(Guidance-Introduction-1-Meet Michael Rigley)
指导介绍-2-课程概述(Guidance-Introduction-2-Course Overview)
指导介绍-3-项目(Guidance-Introduction-3-The Project)
制导程序逻辑-1-这是什么(Guidance-Procedural Logic-1-What Is It)
制导程序逻辑-2-系统对象(Guidance-Procedural Logic-2-System Objects)
制导程序逻辑-3-典型层次(Guidance-Procedural Logic-3-Typical Hierarchies)
制导程序逻辑-4-关键原则(Guidance-Procedural Logic-4-Key Principles)
制导技术-1-自定义C4三维工作空间(Guidance-Technique-1-Customizing the C4D Workspace)
制导技术-2-目标与策略(Guidance-Technique-2-Objective and Strategy)
制导技术-3-建设基础地理(Guidance-Technique-3-Building the Base Geo)
指导创意甲板-1-甲板概况(Guidance-The Creative Deck-1-Deck Overview)
指导创意甲板-2-第一印象(Guidance-The Creative Deck-2-First Impressions)
指导创意甲板-3-引用(Guidance-The Creative Deck-3-Reference)
指导创意甲板-4-叙事与故事板(Guidance-The Creative Deck-4-Narrative and Storyboards)
指导创意甲板-5-样式帧序列签名(Guidance-The Creative Deck-5-Style Frames Sequence Sign-Off)
制导评估批判与规划(Guidance-Assessment-Critique and Planning)
基于GEO的制导技术研究(Guidance-Technique-Expanding on the Geo)
导引工作流程亮点流程概述(Guidance-Workflow Highlight-Process Overview)
旅行灰作业(Journey-Ash"s Homework)
艾熙之旅(Journey-Ash"s Journey)
彼得的家庭作业(Journey-Peter"s Homework)
彼得之旅(Journey-Peter"s Journey)
档案十二月2 2016(Archive-December 2 2016)
档案十月27 2016(Archive-October 27 2016)
制导评估批判与规划(Guidance-Assessment-Critique and Planning)
旅行灰作业(Journey-Ash"s Homework)
艾熙之旅(Journey-Ash"s Journey)
彼得的家庭作业(Journey-Peter"s Homework)
彼得之旅(Journey-Peter"s Journey)
档案十二月16 2016(Archive-December 16 2016)
档案十一月3 2016(Archive-November 3 2016)
制导技术-2-环境与组成(Guidance-Technique-2-Environment and Composition)
制导技术-4-声发射纹理(Guidance-Technique-4-AE Textures)
制导技术-6-ALT帧(Guidance-Technique-6-Alt Frames)
引导工作流亮点-1-话题(Guidance-Workflow Highlight-1-Topics)
引导工作流亮点-2-利弊成本(Guidance-Workflow Highlight-2-Pros-Cons-Costs)
指导评估批判-项目评估(Guidance-Assessment-Critique - Project Assessment)
组合风格框架的制导技术(Guidance-Technique-Compositing Style Frames)
旅行灰作业(Journey-Ash"s Homework)
艾熙之旅(Journey-Ash"s Journey)
彼得的家庭作业(Journey-Peter"s Homework)
彼得之旅(Journey-Peter"s Journey)
档案十一月10 2016(Archive-November 10 2016)
导引工作流程-2-文件夹结构(Guidance-Workflow-2-Folder Structure)
导引工作流程-3-命名约定(Guidance-Workflow-3-Naming Conventions)
01 - 欢迎(01 - Welcome)
02 - 这个课程是什么,不是什么(02 - What this course is and is not)
03 - 练习文件(03 - Exercise files)
04 - 什么是VFX(04 - What is VFX)
05 - C是怎样的4VFX艺术家使用的D(05 - How is C4D used by VFX artists)
06 - 工作实例(06 - Examples of work)
07 - 大图概念(07 - Big-picture concepts)
08 - 什么是运动跟踪(08 - What is motion tracking)
09 - 镜头分析(09 - Analyzing the shot)
10 - 建立我们的跟踪项目(10 - Setting up our project for tracking)
11 - 自动跟踪(11 - Automatic tracking)
12 - 手动跟踪(12 - Manual tracking)
13 - 解决3D 相机(13 - Solving the 3D camera)
14 - 增加坐标系(14 - Adding a coordinates system)
15 - 几何解算法(15 - Testing the solve with geometry)
16 - 导入跟踪数据(16 - Importing_exporting the tracked data)
17 - 消除镜头畸变(17 - Removing Lens Distortion)
18 - 解决和保存镜片轮廓(18 - Solving and saving lens profiles)
19 - VFX建模的哲学(19 - The philosophy of VFX modeling)
20 - 导入模型(20 - Importing a model)
21 - 模型层次的清理(21 - Cleaning up a model hierarchy)
22 - 将模型与跟踪场景结合起来(22 - Incorporating a model with a tracked scene)
23 - VFX的基本动画(23 - Basic animation for VFX)
24 - 操作关键帧和曲线(24 - Manipulating keyframes and curves)
25 - 材料概论(25 - Introduction to materials)
26 - 申请材料(26 - Applying materials)
27 - 创造闪亮的材料(27 - Creating a shiny material)
28 - 折射材料的制作(28 - Creating a refractive material)
29 - 制造位移材料(29 - Creating a displaced material)
30 - 使用纹理管理器(30 - Working with the Texture Manager)
31 - VFX照明概述(31 - Overview of VFX lighting)
32 - 与C一起工作4灯光与阴影(32 - Working with C4D lights and shadows)
33 - 天空物体照明(33 - Lighting with Sky objects)
34 - 与GI一起工作(34 - Working with GI)
35 - 使用相机校准标签(35 - Using the Camera Calibration tag)
36 - 增加几何和投影纹理(36 - Adding geometry and projected textures)
37 - 投影人烘焙贴图(37 - Baking textures with Projection Man)
38 - PS图象处理软件中的纹理清理(38 - Cleaning up textures in Photoshop)
39 - 与物理天空重合(39 - Relighting with Physical Sky)
40 - 动画摄影机(40 - Animating a camera)
41 - 再应用透镜畸变(41 - Reapplying lens distortion)
42 - 什么是VFX合成(42 - What is VFX compositing)
43 - 设置多遍渲染器(43 - Setting up multipass renders)
44 - 准备采取(44 - Preparing takes)
45 - 令牌渲染(45 - Rendering with tokens)
46 - 合成多遍渲染(46 - Compositing multipass renders)
47 - 挑战概述(47 - Challenge overview)
48 - 溶液校准与模型(48 - Solution - Calibrate and model)
49 - 解决方案-烘焙纹理和油漆(49 - Solution - Bake textures and paint)
50 - 溶液-光, 渲染, 和完成(50 - Solution - Light, render, and finish)
51 - 接下来的步骤(51 - Next steps)
看电影_4d r14_快速入门教程-相机校准- AORD(cinema_4d_r14_quick_start_tutorial-_camera_calibration-_aerod)
看电影_4d r14_快速入门教程-相机校准-雕刻(cinema_4d_r14_quick_start_tutorial-_camera_calibration-_sculp)
看电影_4d r14_快速入门教程-相机校准-换档(cinema_4d_r14_quick_start_tutorial-_camera_calibration-_shift)
看电影_4d r14_快速入门教程-浅色,_摄像机头(cinema_4d_r14_quick_start_tutorial-_light_colors,_camera_morp)
看电影_4d r14_快速入门教程-相机校准_1280x7(cinema_4d_r14_quick_start_tutorial-_camera_calibration_1280x7)
看电影_4d r14_快速启动教程-塑性变形_1280x(cinema_4d_r14_quick_start_tutorial-_plastic_deformation_1280x)
看电影_4d r14_快速入门教程-设置你的界面_1280(cinema_4d_r14_quick_start_tutorial-_setup_your_interface_1280)
171.电影示踪教程4D(171.Tracer Type Tutorial For Cinema 4D)
172.电影中跌落动态克隆的贴图纹理4D(172.Stick Textures to Fallen Dynamic Clones In Cinema 4D)
173.电影与电影4后效用户D Lite(173.Cineware and Cinema 4D Lite For After Effects Users)
173.电影与电影4电影D4D用户(173.Cineware and Cinema 4D Lite For Cinema 4D Users)
174.模型和动画灯光跟踪电影中的目标4D(174.Model And Animate A Light To Follow A Target In Cinema 4D)
175.质感轻盈,渲染电影中的铁人套装4D(175.Texture Light and Render an Iron Man suit in Cinema 4D)
176.电影催泪效应4D& 后效(176.Paper Tear Effect with Cinema 4D & After Effects)
177.CioWube教程-所有设置的完整演练(177.Cineware Tutorial- Full Walkthrough Of All Settings)
178.添加真实3D型到后效果使用陶瓷和电影(178.Add Real 3D Type To After Effects Using Cineware And Mograph)
179.跟踪A3利用电影拍摄镜头4D及后效(179.Track a 3D Object into Shot Footage Using Cinema 4D and After Effects)
180.导入3D模型使用后效果的陶瓷制品(180.Importing 3D Models into After Effects using Cineware)
181.电影与电影4快速入门教程(181.Cineware and Cinema 4D Lite Quickstart Tutorial)
182.手机软件演示视频(182.Cineware Proxy Demo Video)
183.使用CiNeWiWe和后效将景深添加到复合材料中(183.Add Depth Of Field To Your Composite Using Cineware And After Effects)
184.用电影制作动画新闻保险杠4D与图(184.Create An Animated News Bumper With Cinema 4D and Mograph)
185.电影肖像-使用电影中的位移指南戒指4D(185.Mograph Portraits- Using Rings of Displacement Tutorial in Cinema 4D)
271.电影中的“生活设计记录”4D部分02(271.Live Design Recording Modeling a Character in Cinema 4D Part 02)
272.面漆纹理化(272.Texturing With Topcoat)
273.X射线粒子群的设置及多个发射器的控制(273.Setting Groups And Controlling Multiple Emitters With X-Particles)
274.使用X粒子动画3.5 和声音修饰符(274.Animate Using X-Particles 3.5 And The Sound Modifier)
275.实现2电影中的三维阴影4无草图& 香椿(275.Achieving 2D Cel Shading in Cinema 4D Without Sketch & Toon)
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