01 - 课程概述-课程概述(01 - Course Overview - Course Overview)
02 - 创造人工智能感知和人工智能基础——设计敌人AI(02 - Creating AI Perception and the Basics of AI States - Designing an Enemy AI)
03 - 创建人工智能感知和人工智能基础——为玩家移动添加输入动作(03 - Creating AI Perception and the Basics of AI States - Adding Input Actions for Player Movement)
04 - 创建人工智能感知和人工智能基础——实现玩家移动模式(04 - Creating AI Perception and the Basics of AI States - Implementing Player Movement Modes)
05 - 创建人工智能感知和人工智能状态基础——增加战术摄像机模式(05 - Creating AI Perception and the Basics of AI States - Adding a Tactical Camera Mode)
07 - 创建人工智能感知和人工智能基础——实现战术相机变焦(07 - Creating AI Perception and the Basics of AI States - Implementing Tactical Camera Zoom)
10 - 创造人工智能感知和刺激-让玩家“@(10 - Creating AI Perception and Stimuli - Making the Player Character Generate Stimuli)
11 - 创建AI感知和刺激-为玩家添加上下文化刺激的音频(11 - Creating AI Perception and Stimuli - Adding Audio to Contextualize Stimuli for the Player)
19 - 创建状态机和意识系统-基于意识设置状态(19 - Creating the State Machine and Awareness System - Setting the State Based on Awareness)
24 - 创建巡逻状态和巡逻路径-创建巡逻点演员类(24 - Creating the Patrolling State and Patrol Paths - Creating the Patrol Point Actor Class)
25 - 创建巡逻状态和巡逻路径-创建巡逻路径演员类(25 - Creating the Patrolling State and Patrol Paths - Creating the Patrol Path Actor Class)
30 - 创建巡逻状态和巡逻路径-创建面向巡逻的服务(30 - Creating the Patrolling State and Patrol Paths - Creating the Patrol Facing Service)
32 - 创建可疑状态-初始化可疑任务(32 - Creating the Suspicious State - Initializing the Suspicious Task)
33 - 创建可疑状态-创建可疑任务中的反应行为(33 - Creating the Suspicious State - Creating Reactive Behavior in the Suspicious Task)
34 - 创建可疑状态播放AIVO(34 - Creating the Suspicious State - Playing AIVO)
35 - 创建可疑状态-测试可疑状态(35 - Creating the Suspicious State - Testing the Suspicious State)
36 - 创建搜索状态-创建搜索点参与者类(36 - Creating the Searching State - Creating the Search Point Actor Class)
37 - 使用游戏中的搜索点参与者创建搜索状态(37 - Creating the Searching State - Using Search Point Actors in the Game Level)
38 - 创建搜索状态——行为树中的搜索状态(38 - Creating the Searching State - The Searching State in the Behavior Tree)
39 - 创建搜索状态-创建移动到刺激任务(39 - Creating the Searching State - Creating the Move to Stimulus Task)
40 - 创建搜索状态-找到最近的搜索点到敌人AI(40 - Creating the Searching State - Finding the Nearest Search Point to the Enemy AI)
41 - 创建搜索状态-创建移动到搜索点任务(41 - Creating the Searching State - Creating the Move to Search Point Task)
42 - 利用搜索子点创建搜索状态模拟搜索区域(42 - Creating the Searching State - Simulating a Search Area Using Search Sub Points)
43 - 创建搜索状态-实现冷却并测试游戏中的搜索状态(43 - Creating the Searching State - Implementing Cooldown and Testing the Searching State in Game)
44 - 调整敌对状态并测试AI调整敌对状态(44 - Adjusting the Hostile State and Playtesting the AI - Adjusting the Hostile State)
45 - 调整敌对状态并对AI进行AI游戏测试(45 - Adjusting the Hostile State and Playtesting the AI - Playtesting the AI)
01 - 课程概述-课程概述(01 - Course Overview - Course Overview)
02 - 规划运动控制的VR -东西在规划VR体验时要牢记(02 - Planning for Motion Controlled VR - Things to Keep in Mind While Planning a VR Experience)
03 - 虚拟现实中运动控制VR避免晕车的规划(03 - Planning for Motion Controlled VR - Avoiding Motion Sickness in VR)
04 - 运动控制虚拟现实的规划——VR典当和运动控制器的建立(04 - Planning for Motion Controlled VR - Setting up a VR Pawn and Motion Controllers)
05 - 运动控制VR的规划-定制你的运动控制器的外观(05 - Planning for Motion Controlled VR - Customizing the Look of Your Motion Controllers)
06 - 运动控制VR的规划——运动控制器输入的建立(06 - Planning for Motion Controlled VR - Setting up Motion Controller Inputs)
07 - 创建运动控制器交互——如何设置接口(07 - Creating Motion Controller Interactions - How to Setup an Interface)
08 - 创建运动控制器交互-设置我们的对象进行交互(08 - Creating Motion Controller Interactions - Setting up our Objects for Interaction)
09 - 创建运动控制器交互——创建抓取变量(09 - Creating Motion Controller Interactions - Creating Grab Variables)
10 - 创建运动控制器交互——创建抓取和删除功能(10 - Creating Motion Controller Interactions - Creating Grab and Drop Functions)
11 - 创建运动控制器交互——建立抓取器函数(11 - Creating Motion Controller Interactions - Building a Grab Actor Function)
12 - 创建运动控制器交互-建立一个接近手的角色(12 - Creating Motion Controller Interactions - Building a Get Actor Near Hand Function)
13 - 创建运动控制器交互——建立释放参与者函数(13 - Creating Motion Controller Interactions - Building a Release Actor Function)
14 - 创建运动控制器交互——设置左手抓取功能(14 - Creating Motion Controller Interactions - Setting up the Left Hand Grab Functions)
15 - 创建运动控制器交互——实现触发器输入抓取(15 - Creating Motion Controller Interactions - Implementing Trigger Inputs to Grab)
16 - 创建运动控制的隐形传送-设置远程传送变量和功能(16 - Creating Motion Controlled Teleportation - Setting up Teleport Variables and Functions)
17 - 创建运动控制的隐形传送——创建导航网格(17 - Creating Motion Controlled Teleportation - Creating a Navigation Mesh)
18 - 创建运动控制的隐形传送-创建线路跟踪(18 - Creating Motion Controlled Teleportation - Creating a Line Trace)
19 - 创建运动控制的隐形传送-创建远程传送功能(19 - Creating Motion Controlled Teleportation - Creating a Teleport Function)
20 - 创建运动控制的隐形传送-建立左传送功能(20 - Creating Motion Controlled Teleportation - Setting up the Left Teleport Functions)
02 01 设置不真实的项目文件(02 01 Setting up Unreal Project Files)
02 03 进口玛雅资产(02 03 Importing Maya Assets)
02 04 创建材料和纹理(02 04 Creating Materials and Textures)
02 05 纹理映射的调整(02 05 Adjusting Texture Maps)
02 06 在虚幻中创建你的集合(02 06 Creating Your Set in Unreal)
02 07 静态vs. 动态的照明(02 07 Static vs. Dynamic Lighting)
02 08 设置不真实的照明(02 08 Set Lighting in Unreal)
02 09 使用后处理卷(02 09 Using Post Process Volumes)
02 10 勘探深度(02 10 Exploring Depth of Field)
02 11 动画玛雅文化遗址的虚幻(02 11 Animating in Maya for Unreal)
02 12 从玛雅导出动画到虚幻(02 12 Exporting Animation from Maya to Unreal)
02 14 把物理添加到一个词中(02 14 Adding Physics to a Character)
01 - 课程概述-课程概述(01 - Course Overview - Course Overview)
02 - 项目概述和收集参考文献-参考文献和综述(02 - Project Overview and Gathering References - References and Overview)
03 - 油漆表面的材料制造-转子和卡尺(03 - Material Creation for Painted Surfaces - Rotor and Caliper)
04 - 绘画表面的材料创造——看我的材料(04 - Material Creation for Painted Surfaces - Look at Me Material)
05 - 涂装表面的材料制造-在车身上工作(05 - Material Creation for Painted Surfaces - Working on the Vehicle Body)
06 - 漆面材料创造-汽车纹理层(06 - Material Creation for Painted Surfaces - Car Texture Layers)
07 - 油漆表面的材料创建-用纹理样品工作(07 - Material Creation for Painted Surfaces - Working with Texture Samples)
08 - 油漆表面的材料制造.转子和卡尺(08 - Material Creation for Painted Surfaces - Rotors and Calipers)
09 - 涂装表面材料的制作-整理(09 - Material Creation for Painted Surfaces - Finishing Up)
11 - 透明表面的材料制造-头灯对象, Bumper支持(11 - Material Creation for Transparent Surfaces - Headlight Objects, Bumper Supports)
12 - 透明表面的材料制造-分配塑料材料(12 - Material Creation for Transparent Surfaces - Assigning Plastic Materials)
14 - 场景照明与后期处理——尾灯材质的制作与绽放(14 - Scene Lighting and Post Processing - Tail Light Material Creation and Bloom)
15 - 场景照明和后处理-头灯材料和聚光灯对象创建(15 - Scene Lighting and Post Processing - Head Light Material and Spotlight Object Creation)
16 - 场景照明和后处理-场景灯光和后处理(16 - Scene Lighting and Post Processing - Scene Lights and Post Processing)
17 - 场景照明和后期处理-卷(17 - Scene Lighting and Post Processing - Volumes)
爱给网提供海量的虚幻资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的02 06 在虚幻中创建你的集合(02 06 Creating Your Set in Unreal), 本站编号36651948, 该虚幻素材大小为57m, 时长为09分 02秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为Johannes Welsch, 更多精彩虚幻素材,尽在爱给网。