在虚拟引擎中创建具有行为状态的人工智能(Pluralsight - Creating AI with Behavior States in Unreal Engine)

01 - 课程概述-课程概述(01 - Course Overview - Course Overview)

02 - 创造人工智能感知和人工智能基础——设计敌人AI(02 - Creating AI Perception and the Basics of AI States - Designing an Enemy AI)

03 - 创建人工智能感知和人工智能基础——为玩家移动添加输入动作(03 - Creating AI Perception and the Basics of AI States - Adding Input Actions for Player Movement)

04 - 创建人工智能感知和人工智能基础——实现玩家移动模式(04 - Creating AI Perception and the Basics of AI States - Implementing Player Movement Modes)

05 - 创建人工智能感知和人工智能状态基础——增加战术摄像机模式(05 - Creating AI Perception and the Basics of AI States - Adding a Tactical Camera Mode)

07 - 创建人工智能感知和人工智能基础——实现战术相机变焦(07 - Creating AI Perception and the Basics of AI States - Implementing Tactical Camera Zoom)

10 - 创造人工智能感知和刺激-让玩家“@(10 - Creating AI Perception and Stimuli - Making the Player Character Generate Stimuli)

11 - 创建AI感知和刺激-为玩家添加上下文化刺激的音频(11 - Creating AI Perception and Stimuli - Adding Audio to Contextualize Stimuli for the Player)

19 - 创建状态机和意识系统-基于意识设置状态(19 - Creating the State Machine and Awareness System - Setting the State Based on Awareness)

24 - 创建巡逻状态和巡逻路径-创建巡逻点演员类(24 - Creating the Patrolling State and Patrol Paths - Creating the Patrol Point Actor Class)

25 - 创建巡逻状态和巡逻路径-创建巡逻路径演员类(25 - Creating the Patrolling State and Patrol Paths - Creating the Patrol Path Actor Class)

30 - 创建巡逻状态和巡逻路径-创建面向巡逻的服务(30 - Creating the Patrolling State and Patrol Paths - Creating the Patrol Facing Service)

32 - 创建可疑状态-初始化可疑任务(32 - Creating the Suspicious State - Initializing the Suspicious Task)

33 - 创建可疑状态-创建可疑任务中的反应行为(33 - Creating the Suspicious State - Creating Reactive Behavior in the Suspicious Task)

34 - 创建可疑状态播放AIVO(34 - Creating the Suspicious State - Playing AIVO)

35 - 创建可疑状态-测试可疑状态(35 - Creating the Suspicious State - Testing the Suspicious State)

36 - 创建搜索状态-创建搜索点参与者类(36 - Creating the Searching State - Creating the Search Point Actor Class)

37 - 使用游戏中的搜索点参与者创建搜索状态(37 - Creating the Searching State - Using Search Point Actors in the Game Level)

38 - 创建搜索状态——行为树中的搜索状态(38 - Creating the Searching State - The Searching State in the Behavior Tree)

39 - 创建搜索状态-创建移动到刺激任务(39 - Creating the Searching State - Creating the Move to Stimulus Task)

40 - 创建搜索状态-找到最近的搜索点到敌人AI(40 - Creating the Searching State - Finding the Nearest Search Point to the Enemy AI)

41 - 创建搜索状态-创建移动到搜索点任务(41 - Creating the Searching State - Creating the Move to Search Point Task)

42 - 利用搜索子点创建搜索状态模拟搜索区域(42 - Creating the Searching State - Simulating a Search Area Using Search Sub Points)

43 - 创建搜索状态-实现冷却并测试游戏中的搜索状态(43 - Creating the Searching State - Implementing Cooldown and Testing the Searching State in Game)

44 - 调整敌对状态并测试AI调整敌对状态(44 - Adjusting the Hostile State and Playtesting the AI - Adjusting the Hostile State)

45 - 调整敌对状态并对AI进行AI游戏测试(45 - Adjusting the Hostile State and Playtesting the AI - Playtesting the AI)

多视点设计运动控制器的虚幻体验(Pluralsight - Designing Motion Controller Experiences in Unreal)

01 - 课程概述-课程概述(01 - Course Overview - Course Overview)

02 - 规划运动控制的VR -东西在规划VR体验时要牢记(02 - Planning for Motion Controlled VR - Things to Keep in Mind While Planning a VR Experience)

03 - 虚拟现实中运动控制VR避免晕车的规划(03 - Planning for Motion Controlled VR - Avoiding Motion Sickness in VR)

04 - 运动控制虚拟现实的规划——VR典当和运动控制器的建立(04 - Planning for Motion Controlled VR - Setting up a VR Pawn and Motion Controllers)

05 - 运动控制VR的规划-定制你的运动控制器的外观(05 - Planning for Motion Controlled VR - Customizing the Look of Your Motion Controllers)

06 - 运动控制VR的规划——运动控制器输入的建立(06 - Planning for Motion Controlled VR - Setting up Motion Controller Inputs)

07 - 创建运动控制器交互——如何设置接口(07 - Creating Motion Controller Interactions - How to Setup an Interface)

08 - 创建运动控制器交互-设置我们的对象进行交互(08 - Creating Motion Controller Interactions - Setting up our Objects for Interaction)

09 - 创建运动控制器交互——创建抓取变量(09 - Creating Motion Controller Interactions - Creating Grab Variables)

10 - 创建运动控制器交互——创建抓取和删除功能(10 - Creating Motion Controller Interactions - Creating Grab and Drop Functions)

11 - 创建运动控制器交互——建立抓取器函数(11 - Creating Motion Controller Interactions - Building a Grab Actor Function)

12 - 创建运动控制器交互-建立一个接近手的角色(12 - Creating Motion Controller Interactions - Building a Get Actor Near Hand Function)

13 - 创建运动控制器交互——建立释放参与者函数(13 - Creating Motion Controller Interactions - Building a Release Actor Function)

14 - 创建运动控制器交互——设置左手抓取功能(14 - Creating Motion Controller Interactions - Setting up the Left Hand Grab Functions)

15 - 创建运动控制器交互——实现触发器输入抓取(15 - Creating Motion Controller Interactions - Implementing Trigger Inputs to Grab)

16 - 创建运动控制的隐形传送-设置远程传送变量和功能(16 - Creating Motion Controlled Teleportation - Setting up Teleport Variables and Functions)

17 - 创建运动控制的隐形传送——创建导航网格(17 - Creating Motion Controlled Teleportation - Creating a Navigation Mesh)

18 - 创建运动控制的隐形传送-创建线路跟踪(18 - Creating Motion Controlled Teleportation - Creating a Line Trace)

19 - 创建运动控制的隐形传送-创建远程传送功能(19 - Creating Motion Controlled Teleportation - Creating a Teleport Function)

20 - 创建运动控制的隐形传送-建立左传送功能(20 - Creating Motion Controlled Teleportation - Setting up the Left Teleport Functions)

在虚拟引擎中创造汽车材料4(Pluralsight - Creating Automotive Materials in Unreal Engine 4)

01 - 课程概述-课程概述(01 - Course Overview - Course Overview)

02 - 项目概述和收集参考文献-参考文献和综述(02 - Project Overview and Gathering References - References and Overview)

03 - 油漆表面的材料制造-转子和卡尺(03 - Material Creation for Painted Surfaces - Rotor and Caliper)

04 - 绘画表面的材料创造——看我的材料(04 - Material Creation for Painted Surfaces - Look at Me Material)

05 - 涂装表面的材料制造-在车身上工作(05 - Material Creation for Painted Surfaces - Working on the Vehicle Body)

06 - 漆面材料创造-汽车纹理层(06 - Material Creation for Painted Surfaces - Car Texture Layers)

07 - 油漆表面的材料创建-用纹理样品工作(07 - Material Creation for Painted Surfaces - Working with Texture Samples)

08 - 油漆表面的材料制造.转子和卡尺(08 - Material Creation for Painted Surfaces - Rotors and Calipers)

09 - 涂装表面材料的制作-整理(09 - Material Creation for Painted Surfaces - Finishing Up)

11 - 透明表面的材料制造-头灯对象, Bumper支持(11 - Material Creation for Transparent Surfaces - Headlight Objects, Bumper Supports)

12 - 透明表面的材料制造-分配塑料材料(12 - Material Creation for Transparent Surfaces - Assigning Plastic Materials)

14 - 场景照明与后期处理——尾灯材质的制作与绽放(14 - Scene Lighting and Post Processing - Tail Light Material Creation and Bloom)

15 - 场景照明和后处理-头灯材料和聚光灯对象创建(15 - Scene Lighting and Post Processing - Head Light Material and Spotlight Object Creation)

16 - 场景照明和后处理-场景灯光和后处理(16 - Scene Lighting and Post Processing - Scene Lights and Post Processing)

17 - 场景照明和后期处理-卷(17 - Scene Lighting and Post Processing - Volumes)


  • 虚幻 : UE4
  • 文件总数:74
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    103 人已学习
  • 收藏 举报
  • 爱给网提供海量的虚幻资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的20 - 创建运动控制的隐形传送-建立左传送功能(20 - Creating Motion Controlled Teleportation - Setting up the Left Teleport Functions), 本站编号36652016, 该虚幻素材大小为13m, 时长为03分 02秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为Johannes Welsch, 更多精彩虚幻素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 在虚拟引擎中创建具有行为状态的人工智能(Pluralsight - Creating AI with Behavior States in Unreal Engine)
    多视点设计运动控制器的虚幻体验(Pluralsight - Designing Motion Controller Experiences in Unreal)
    在虚拟引擎中创造汽车材料4(Pluralsight - Creating Automotive Materials in Unreal Engine 4)