Pluralsight - Introduction to Houdini Pyro

01 - Course Overview - Course Overview

02 - Getting Started With Pyro - Creating a Pyro Simulation in Less Than 60 Seconds

03 - Getting Started With Pyro - Exploring the Fluid Source Node

04 - Getting Started With Pyro - Overview of the Pyro Simulation

05 - Getting Started With Pyro - Exporting and Rendering Pyro Data

06 - Creating A Campfire - The Campfire Scene and Geometry Prep

07 - Creating A Campfire - Setting up the Pyro Simulation

08 - Creating A Campfire - Creating Additional Sources and Collisions

09 - Creating A Campfire - Improving the Look of the Fire

10 - Creating A Campfire - Exporting the Fire

11 - Creating A Campfire - Adding Embers

12 - Creating Sources for the Snake Fire Breath - The Snake Fire Scene and Geometry Prep

13 - Creating Sources for the Snake Fire Breath - Isolating Emitter Geometry and Calculating Velocity

14 - Creating Sources for the Snake Fire Breath - Simulating a Particle-based Emitter

15 - Creating Sources for the Snake Fire Breath - Creating a Source Fluid from the Particle Simulation

16 - Creating Sources for the Snake Fire Breath - Making Collision Objects and Sim Bounds

17 - Simulating the Snake Fire Breath - Setting up the Fire Breath Pyro Sim

18 - Simulating the Snake Fire Breath - Improving Fire Look with Fuel Advection and Shaping

19 - Simulating the Snake Fire Breath - Modifying Source and Additional Pyro Shaping

20 - Simulating the Snake Fire Breath - Further Source Tweaks and Making New Colliders

21 - Simulating the Snake Fire Breath - Using Additional Fields to Add Complexity to Colliders

22 - Simulating the Snake Fire Breath - Exporting the Fire Breath Sim and Adding Embers

23 - Rendering the Campfire - Setting up Lights for the Campfire Scene

24 - Rendering the Campfire - Applying and Tweaking a Pyro Material for the Campfire

25 - Rendering the Campfire - Creating a Meshlight for the Campfire

26 - Rendering the Campfire - Setting up a Mantra Node and Rendering the Campfire

27 - Rendering the Fire Breath - Setting up Lights for the Snake Fire Scene

28 - Rendering the Fire Breath - Applying and Tweaking a Pyro Material for the Snake Fire

29 - Rendering the Fire Breath - Creating a Meshlight and Creating Render Passes for the Snake Fire

30 - Rendering the Fire Breath - Compositing the Final Snake Fire Render


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  • 文件总数:30
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    6 人已学习
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  • Pluralsight - Introduction to Houdini Pyro