团结3D专业2游戏从A到Z的发展(Unity3D Professional 2D Game Development From A to Z)
02 - 准备你的环境(02 - Prepare your environment)
09 - 具有统一性的高级故事板UI工具包5.x(09 - Advanced Storyboard UI Kit with Unity5.x)

46 - 转换你的团结4.X项目走向统一5.x(46 - Convert Your Unity4.x Project to Unity5.x)

47 - 探索响应UI并更改溅屏标识(47 - Explore Responsive UI and Change the Splash Screen Logo)

48 - 用响应UI理解和实践多屏幕支持(48 - Understand and Practise Multiple Screens Support with Responsive UI)

49 - 基于等待时间的SPART屏幕动画处理动画(49 - Animation with Wait Time Based Event Handling for Splash Screen)

50 - 响应主屏幕(50 - Responsive Main Screen)

51 - 固定级屏幕和设计级报头(51 - Fix Stages Screen and Design Stages Header)

52 - 扩展阶段数(52 - Extend the Number of Stages)

53 - 扩展滑块分页点(53 - Extend the Slider Pagination Dots)

54 - 游戏与统一的层次整合5(54 - Game"s Level Integration with Unity5)

55 - 音效与一般对象探究(55 - Exploring the Sound Effects and General Object)

56 - 为背景添加背景音乐(56 - Add Music in the Background for All Scenes)

57 - 手动打开和关闭背景音乐和声音(57 - Manual Turn on and off Background Music and Sounds)

58 - 添加附加级别和更改背景(58 - Add Additional Level and Change Background)

59 - 基于得分的获胜标准(59 - Score Based Winning Criteria)

60 - 使用计时器类的基于时间的获胜标准(60 - Time Based Winning Criteria Using the Timer Class)

61 - 通过动画速度和计时器时间控制游戏难度(61 - Control Game"s Difficulty thru Animation Speed and Timer"s Time)

62 - 使用存储管理器处理等级和玩家偏好(62 - Working with Storage Manager to Handle Levels and Player Preferences)

63 - 求解无限循环并查看故事板场景流的重要性(63 - Solve Infinite Loop and see importance of the storyboard scenes flow)

64 - 完成场景和社会链接(64 - Working on Finish Scene and Social Links)

11 - 团结5.2 和Visual Studio2015(11 - Unity 5.2 and Visual Studio 2015)
14 - 课程回顾(14 - Course Recap)


  • Unity3D : Unity 2D
  • 文件总数:73
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    358 人已学习
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  • 爱给网提供海量的Unity3D资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的05 - 创建新项目并导入精灵(05 - Create new project and importing sprites), 本站编号35561152, 该Unity3D素材大小为17m, 时长为05分 02秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 该素材已被下载:8次, 作者为esformouse, 更多精彩Unity3D素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 团结3D专业2游戏从A到Z的发展(Unity3D Professional 2D Game Development From A to Z)
    02 - 准备你的环境(02 - Prepare your environment)
    09 - 具有统一性的高级故事板UI工具包5.x(09 - Advanced Storyboard UI Kit with Unity5.x)
    11 - 团结5.2 和Visual Studio2015(11 - Unity 5.2 and Visual Studio 2015)
    14 - 课程回顾(14 - Course Recap)