05 - 创建新项目并导入精灵(05 - Create new project and importing sprites)
06 - 添加播放器及其动画(06 - Adding the player and its animation)
07 - 添加游戏对象和背景(07 - Adding the game objects and the background)
08 - 将碰撞器和刚体添加到游戏对象(08 - Adding colliders and rigidbody to the game objects)
09 - 添加游戏和玩家属性和声音效果(09 - Adding game and player attributes and sounds effects)
10 - 向玩家添加动作并理解接地(10 - Add movement to the player and understand isGrounded)
11 - 添加分数碰撞检测和得分文本网格(11 - Add Score collision detection and score text mesh)
12 - 扩展和移动世界并在死区工作(12 - Extend and move the world and work with deadzones)
13 - 使用过渡参数添加自定义跳转动画(13 - Adding Custom Jump Animation with Transition Parameters)
14 - 用Time Delay脚本编写跳跃动画状态(14 - Scripting the Jump Animation States with Time Delay)
15 - 添加获胜检查点(15 - Adding winning checkpoint)
16 - 探索UI工具包(16 - Exploring UI Kit)
17 - 将UI工具包导入项目并添加生成设置(17 - Importing UI Kit to your project and adding in build settings)
18 - UI工具包的分层集成与故障排除(18 - Integration of layers for the UI Kit with Troubleshooting)
19 - 配置暂停对话框(19 - Configure the pause dialog)
20 - 配置丢失对话框(20 - Configure the lose dialog)
21 - 配置获胜对话框(21 - Configure the win dialog)
22 - 配置负载, 重启和下一级事件(22 - Configure load, restart and next level events)
23 - 固定字体, 赢得对话框, 超时对话框(23 - Fixing font, win dialog, timeout dialog)
24 - 添加更多3 级别和配置级别和最大计数(24 - Adding more 3 levels and configuring levels and maxcount)
25 - 预览3 层次与游戏体验(25 - Preview of the 3 levels and playing experience)
26 - 加起来24 游戏水平(26 - Adding up to 24 level to the game)
27 - 设计和重新包装飞溅和主屏幕标志和按钮(27 - Design and rebrand the splash and main screen logos and buttons)
28 - 美国场景的定制与设计(28 - Customization and design of about us scene)
29 - 为谷歌游戏店设计游戏图标(29 - Design the game icon for google playstore)
30 - 添加Android飞溅屏幕_可选_(30 - Adding the android splash screen _optional_)
31 - 为统一环境安装和配置Android SDK(31 - Install and Configure Android Sdk for Unity environment)
32 - 生成签名游戏APK到谷歌游戏商店(32 - Generate the signed game apk to google play store)
33 - 发布和设计谷歌游戏商店的游戏列表(33 - Publish and design the listing of the game in google play store)
34 - 获取Publisher帐户并安装发布工具和文件夹组织(34 - Get publisher account and install publishing tools and folder organization)
35 - 创建新的包并探索设置和描述标签(35 - Create a new Package and exploring settings and description tags)
36 - 为统一资产存储设计不同类型的图像(36 - Design Different Types of images for unity asset store)
37 - 完成包并成功提交给统一资产存储(37 - Finalizing the package and successful submission to unity asset store)
46 - 转换你的团结4.X项目走向统一5.x(46 - Convert Your Unity4.x Project to Unity5.x)
47 - 探索响应UI并更改溅屏标识(47 - Explore Responsive UI and Change the Splash Screen Logo)
48 - 用响应UI理解和实践多屏幕支持(48 - Understand and Practise Multiple Screens Support with Responsive UI)
49 - 基于等待时间的SPART屏幕动画处理动画(49 - Animation with Wait Time Based Event Handling for Splash Screen)
50 - 响应主屏幕(50 - Responsive Main Screen)
51 - 固定级屏幕和设计级报头(51 - Fix Stages Screen and Design Stages Header)
52 - 扩展阶段数(52 - Extend the Number of Stages)
53 - 扩展滑块分页点(53 - Extend the Slider Pagination Dots)
54 - 游戏与统一的层次整合5(54 - Game"s Level Integration with Unity5)
55 - 音效与一般对象探究(55 - Exploring the Sound Effects and General Object)
56 - 为背景添加背景音乐(56 - Add Music in the Background for All Scenes)
57 - 手动打开和关闭背景音乐和声音(57 - Manual Turn on and off Background Music and Sounds)
58 - 添加附加级别和更改背景(58 - Add Additional Level and Change Background)
59 - 基于得分的获胜标准(59 - Score Based Winning Criteria)
60 - 使用计时器类的基于时间的获胜标准(60 - Time Based Winning Criteria Using the Timer Class)
61 - 通过动画速度和计时器时间控制游戏难度(61 - Control Game"s Difficulty thru Animation Speed and Timer"s Time)
62 - 使用存储管理器处理等级和玩家偏好(62 - Working with Storage Manager to Handle Levels and Player Preferences)
63 - 求解无限循环并查看故事板场景流的重要性(63 - Solve Infinite Loop and see importance of the storyboard scenes flow)
64 - 完成场景和社会链接(64 - Working on Finish Scene and Social Links)
66 - 使用StavaP最大化你的收入(66 - Overview - Maximize Your Earning Using Startapp)
67 - 在StestApp中注册并了解StavaP分析中的这些重要术语(67 - Register in Startapp and Learn these Important Terms In the Startapp Analytics)
68 - 用API配置安装Startapp Sdk(68 - Install Startapp Sdk with the Api Configuration)
69 - StavaP主广告控制器和横幅广告(69 - Startapp MainAdsController and BannerAds)
70 - 创建StaspApp间质广告并导出APK文件(70 - Create Startapp Interstitials Ads and Export the Apk File)
71 - Stabpp横幅广告和间隙广告的现场演示(71 - Live Demo for Startapp Banner Ads and Interstitials Ads)
爱给网提供海量的Unity3D资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的58 - 添加附加级别和更改背景(58 - Add Additional Level and Change Background), 本站编号35561200, 该Unity3D素材大小为12m, 时长为03分 03秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为esformouse, 更多精彩Unity3D素材,尽在爱给网。